The second chapter

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Karthik's POV;

" Mom, I am really tired and I don't want to go today", I was pleading the loudest because I meant it. Our school had a get-together last night, and I barely slept. 

"No way Karthik you must go to the gym today", and then she added when I frowned at her "You know very well mom always does the best for her dearest son, right? now get up and go ", she said it right till the date whatever she has done has just given me benefits since dad passed away my mom has worked hard to grow me up tough she was a professor in a government college she had undergone many things as a single parent and that's the reason I love her and she will be my first best friend forever.

"Ok fine don't put your sweet words into me, I will go" , she was smiling and I came out and wore my new jogging shoes I got as a gift from my cousin .

It is a bit cold today but I love this climate I took my usual way to the gym. And talking about the gym it is a small gym but the people here are the best I am addicted to this place surrounded by mountains and nature plays everywhere around the sky. And since it is chill today I can see the snow in the mountains clearly. I took my AirPods and played my favorite singer Pradeep Kumar's poo avizum pozhudhu, his songs are really blissful. 

But I didn't know why today I was not in the mood for songs so I disconnected it and was walking towards the gym, actually, I am into fitness a lot . I heard some girl's voice and turned to find what was it and I understood that she was beautiful  then I realized that she was staring at me but with a look of not just staring .>3

I was like what should I do the moment I was stuck Then I turned casually and walked to the gym, there was no one in the gym and I started my workout.

I was thinking about the girl I saw today I couldn't concentrate on my exercises her image was stuck between my mind and heart I knew this butterfly effect and soulmates are stupid little things but I don't know how to explain this as. All I wanted was to see her again I hurried to the house where I have seen her but I couldn't find her there maybe she went to college or school or work I didn't know. But seeing he face she must be around 18 to 19 . She had black curly with wavy touch hair and a complexion which pleases people and she had an average height and weight and I didn't know why but I like her. Who knows what the future beholds but I have hope of seeing her tomorrow.  Maybe she and I have a special bond.

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