Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack

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Ginny sighs "He gets like this a lot"

"Yeah, but I do too," Y/N says "and Harry has always been better at comforting people than me, the only person that I can seem to calm down is Hermione"

Ginny chuckles "It's because you guys love each other and are honestly so in sync with one another that's is a little freaky at times. I wish I could have something like that though"

"So you and Dean-"

"We- I broke up with him," Ginny says and Y/N puts a hand on the younger Weasley's shoulder

"I'm sorry Ginny," Y/N says sincerely "You will find someone who'll adore you for who you are and won't ask you to change because they love everything about you"

Ginny smiles "maybe I already have," she says looking back at Harry, a small smile forming on her lips.

"You go cheer him up," Y/N says and Ginny looks surprised "he'd want to see you more than me"

Ginny smiles and goes over to Harry and sits next to him. She offers him a tart which the raven-haired boy takes a bite of and smiles. She smiles at him, and hooks her ginger hair over one ear.

"Pie" Ron says from behind Y/N startling her

"Bloody hell Ron" the Ravenclaw scolds and Ron shrugs

"Sorry I though you heard me" Ron says with a tray of fruit mince pies "wanna pie"

Y/N sighs and takes a pie. she takes a bite "these are really good, don't tell me you made these"

Ron smiles "mum made them of course. Do you think Harry would want one, you know to cheer him up"

"Ron I think-" Y/N starts

"I'll go give him one" Ron says and he makes his way to the living room and squeezes himself in between Harry and Ginny. The raven-haired boy acts like nothing had just happened between the Weasley girl and Ginny scowls furiously at her brother.

"Pie" Ron says and Harry shakes his head whilst Ginny takes her leave, practically storming off upstairs. Y/N just sighs and decides she'd come and join Harry now.

Y/N sits on the floor with a small smile on her lips "You feeling a little better Harry?"

the raven-haired boy nods "a little" he replies and Y/N nods

Suddenly Mr Wealsey enters the room. "Y/N, Harry come with me for a minute"

the two teenagers nod and follow Mr Wealsey. They trail him through his cluttered workshop, which is chock-a-block with muggle objects such as steam irons, toasters and clock radios. The party can still be heard, drifting faintly from the main house.

"You'll have to forgive Remus, Harry." Mr Weasley starts "It takes its toll, his condition."

"Are you alright, Mr Weasley?" Y/N asks

Arthur tries a smile, but it fades. He frowns, pained. "We're being followed, all of us. Molly doesn't leave the house most days. It's not been easy."

Harry nods "Did you get my owl?"

"Yes, but I thought it best if I replied in person." Mr Weasley says "If Dumbledore's travelling, it's news to the Ministry. But perhaps that's the way Dumbledore wants it. As for Draco Malfoy, I know a bit more."

"Go on," Harry says eagerly

"I sent an agent to Borgin & Burkes. From what you describe, I think what you and Y/N saw at the end of the summer. The object that Draco seemed so interested in was a vanishing cabinet."

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