Chapter 11- No more sparks or darkness

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No one's POV:

The teachers are having another meeting in their office. They're talking about what to do.

Nezu: With UA's current situation, I don't know what to do. Multiple students are dying and our security cameras aren't catching anyone.

Midnight: It's obvious all of the targets appear to be female. It's also clear everyone dying isn't in the hero course.

Swipe: That's true. The safety of our students is at stake. With all these kids dying, I don't think our reputation can last.

Aizawa: If our students are on the brink of death we'll most likely have to shut down UA.

All Might: It's our duty as heroes to protect the students. We need to discuss what we have to manage.

Midnight: Well it's obvious we have to add more security cameras. We can never catch anyone. We also need another way to ensure the students safety.

Aizawa: We should put the students in dorms. It'll increase their safety.
Nezu: I agree.

Present Mic: Well then let's talk about the thing that should be obvious to us? It's obvious who the culprits are. The villains from the USJ can't break in due to our tightened security cameras. So it's obvious that either it's one of you guys or it's the students!

Midnight: Mic, are you trying to say that we're the traitors?

Present Mic: It can't be anyone outside of school.

Swipe: Well how do we know its not you? You don't have any evidence against us.

Nezu: I'd hate to believe that you all or one of our students are killers. But I have to agree it can't be a league member. I will work on adding more cameras and building the dorms.

The meeting continues as everyone talks about what to do.

Uraraka's POV:

Uraraka: Woah! This place is amazing!

We just finished a tour of our new dorms. It's really nice. We move in within a week. We also saw most of everyone's dorms. Their all very nice and suit everyone.


School's open again. More security cameras have been implemented. As long as no more girls go after my man, I'm good. Everyone is actually pretty happy. And it seems like I don't have to kill anyone.

That's a whole lie

On my way to next period I see Deku and a girl talking. Ughhhh!

Deku: So do you really think that the killer is a student?
Girl: Yeah, I don't think it's a villain, and it can't be a hero.
Deku: I agree, but I hate to think that it could be one of us.
Girl: Just remember what I said.
Deku: Okay Mahō, bye!
Mahō: Bye.

That girl blushes as he leaves. We are not having that!

Tsuyu: Is that your next target?
Uraraka: Yeah.

I continue to walk to class with Tsu.


I wrote a note and put it in that Mahō girl's locker. She saw it but on my way to the room we're supposed to meet in, I see her talking to Kaminari. I don't hear their conversation though, cause I have to make it to the room before she does.

No one's POV:

Mahō: So I'll be in that room. If I don't come back after a minute, go there.
Kaminari: Okay then. But I think you're overreacting. You won't die.
Mahō: If you say so.

Mahō leaves and goes to the room Uraraka requests her to go in. She opens the door surprised to see Uraraka right behind it.

Uraraka: Hello there! You're Mahō right?
Mahō: Yeah.

Uraraka closes the door, and quietly locks it.

Uraraka's POV:

Mahō: So what did you want to talk about?
Uraraka: I want to talk to you about something. I saw you blushing at Midorya earlier, I wanted to ask you if you have a crush on him.
Mahō: Oh- uhhhh, yeah, I do.
Uraraka: Well we can't have that.
Mahō: Huh?
Uraraka: Listen, Izuku Midorya is mine. Sorry about this, but I can't let anyone else have him!


I grab a knife from my backpack and stab it into Mahō's chest. She falls to the ground bleeding a lot. Some of her blood gets on my clothes. It's a good thing I brought an extra uniform.

Uraraka: Shhhhh! Screaming makes it worse.

Mahō whimpers in pain and falls. She goes unconscious immediately.

Suddenly I hear the door lock being picked. I turn around and see Denki open the door.

Kaminari: Mahō, are you o- URARAKA?!

I turn around and freak out. Crap! What am I going to do?!

Kaminari: URARAKA YOU-

Without thinking I jump at Denki and close the door to re-lock it. I then lift up my knife.

Uraraka: Sorry Denki.

I thrust the knife into his head. Then I stab him multiple times in the chest. His blood gets all over me. I sigh as I stand up. I gotta go clean up.

I sneak out of the room to the dorms. Security cameras would have caught me going to the locker room. I shower and change my clothes in the dorm. Then I leave and sneak back to school.


The next day we were told to come to the common area an hour earlier than school starts. Everyone is confused on why though. I have a feeling it has to do with Denki and Mahō though. Midnight walks into the dorm with a sad expression on her.

Midnight: Hey guys. Aizawa isn't feeling too good today so I have to make an announcement for you all. Yesterday, we found the dead bodies of Mahō Kantlesatch and Denki Kaminari. I apologize for the losses.

Everyone freezes.

Kirishima: Denki is... dead?
Jiro: ...
Bakugo: This has to be a joke, right?

Midnight shakes her head no.

Ashido: But- wha- WHY?!

Everyone starts crying and gets all emotional. I even start to tear up. Not because I care but because I see Deku cry too.

Sero: Why would anyone do this?!
Jiro: ...

I'm sorry, Denki, Class 1-a, but if I'm going to be with Deku, it has to be this way.

Midnight: You guys have the rest of the week off of school.
Shillia: Eliminated
Lillian: Eliminated
Lesley: Eliminated
Nori: Eliminated
Yume: Eliminated
Mahō: Eliminated
Rival 7: ?
Rival 8: ?
Rival 9: ?
Rival 10: ?
Rival 11: ?

To be continued...

Words- 1054

Thanks for reading! 🧡

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