Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning


Ron and Harry's exchange grins as primrose has a look of disgust on her face. "Wicked. Malfoy will tell us anything."

"Not too sure of that Ron." Primrose whispers,

Hermione smiles slightly at their motivation, "Exactly, but it's tricky" she glances back at the book again, "I've never seen a more complicated potion."

"Well, how long will it take to make?" Harry asks Hermione

Hermione looks up at Harry, "A month."

Harry's eyes widened, "A month?! But, Hermione... if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then!"

Primrose rolls her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"I know, but it's the only plan we've got."

"How much you wanna bet it's not gonna be Malfoy," Regulus whispers to his friends.

Barty nods, "Yeah we would have known if the Malfoy or Black family had any relations to Salazar Slytherin."

[the screen opens back up to show Quidditch Pitch, Slytherins VS Gryffindors]

All the quidditch fans cheer, happy to watch some quidditch.

The Gryffindor team walked out on­to the pitch, and a roar of noise greet­ed them; main­ly cheers, From Raven­claw and Huf­flepuff, and the Slytherins in the crowd made their boos and hiss­es heard, too.

Madam Hooch asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, which they did, giv­ing each oth­er threat­en­ing stares and grip­ping rather hard­er than was nec­es­sary.

"On my whis­tle," said Madam Hooch. ""
With a roar from the crowd to speed them up­ward, the four­teen play­ers rose to­ward the lead­en sky. Har­ry flew high­er than any of them, squint­ing around for the Snitch.

"All right there, Scar­head?" yelled Mal­foy, shoot­ing un­der­neath him as though to show off the speed of his broom.
James rolls his eyes, "does this kid ever give up?"

Har­ry had no time to re­ply. At that very mo­ment, a heavy black Bludger came pelt­ing to­ward him; he avoid­ed it so nar­row­ly that he felt it ruf­fle his hair as it passed.
"Watch yourself, Harry!" Wood yelled as George gave the Bludger a pow­er­ful whack in the di­rec­tion of Pucey, but the Bludger changed di­rec­tion in midair and shot straight for Har­ry again.
James' jaw dropped, "that's not supposed to happen!"

"No shit," Sirius yelled, earning a look from McGonagall.

Har­ry dropped quick­ly to avoid it, and George man­aged to hit it hard to­ward Malfoy. Once again, the Bludger swerved like a boomerang and shot at Har­ry's head.

Har­ry put on a burst of speed and zoomed to­ward the oth­er end of the pitch. He could hear the Bludger whistling along be­hind him.

Hagrid was watching the game through his
Binoculars, "Blimey! Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger! That's been tampered with, that has!"

Ron points his broken wand up in the air, "I'll stop it

"No!" Multiple people yelled

Hermione grabs his arm, "No! Even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry!"

A whistling in Har­ry's ear told him the Bludger had just missed him again; he turned right over and sped in the op­po­site di­rec­tion.

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