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Obi wan and Brea make it to Geonosis

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Obi wan and Brea make it to Geonosis. Although safe for a bit, the planet doesn't turn out to be what they thought. Count Dooku and his army are hiding amongst the Planet.
Brea POV
"There's an unusual concentration of Federation ships over there" Obi wan states
"Why? What do they have to do with this place?"
"I guess we'll find out"
He fly's over to a patch of land off the jagged rocks and lands.
"We'll stay here till morning"
We made our way to a cave like structure on the side of the rock.
"Thank you Obi wan"
"For what?"

"Believing in me. My parents never really did, Padme what's the first to. She believed in me, she saw the good in me. She took me in. The next person that I thought would believe in me was a guy named Owen. He worked for security and by living in the palace we got close. He could sense something in me tho. He slowly became more invasive in what I did. Always following me around, learning what I did through the day, invading my personal time, walking in on me showering, changing. He'd even watch me sleep. I could sense him but before I could catch him he was gone. He did a few other things but I'm won't get into that. Then one night I was laying in bed trying to sleep and I could feel him in the room. Before I knew it he drew a knife in my back. And in my anger, I used the force. I ended up killing him. I didn't mean to but I did. Padme covered for me and I lived. It took a while to to not hate myself but for a while there I hated myself and him. Some days that hate hate comes back but then I think of the people in my life and those who I love"
I look up to meet Obi Wan's eyes. His blue eyes staring right through me.

"Brea. I don't know what to say-"
"You don't have to say anything really, apparently I like to rant so I'm sorry-"
"Hey, no. You have nothing to be sorry for. You can tell me anything. You're stuck with me for quite some time so don't apologize for opening up" he gives me a smile.
We sit in silence for a bit

"Brea ever since I've met you I have been in complete awe of you. Your strength and determination is everything. You're a fighter, damn good one. Your past doesn't define you, your future does and your future is bright. So don't let the little things get you down. Fight for what you want"
"Thank you Master. That really does mean a lot.
On the horizon the sun starts to come up
"Well you ready to go and see what we can find out about this place?" Obi wan asks
"Hell yeah. Let's see what's going on"
We get up and get up a stair case on the side of the rock pillars.

We come to a giant door at the top
"After you milady" Obi wan says motioning to the door
"How very kind of you" I say with a laugh
I open the door and am amazed by what I see
"This place is gigantic" rock pillars shoot up to the top of the ceiling. Stain glass for windows, letting in light.
"This place is insane. Who knew rock could be pretty. " I say
Obi wan starts to make his way around the bend. And I follow. Then we start to hear machinery. Obi wan goes to a little lookout and below is a giant assembly line. Creating a droid army.
We make our way down a wide spiral stair case

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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