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The rain had begun to fizzle out to a mere trickle by the time Dren really got exploring. With the sun still rising and the local hills casting deep shadows on the Mirelands, several nocturnal Pokemon could be seen yawning and preparing for their day of sleep ahead of them. One beast in particular was a peculiar coloured Golbat, sickly green in hue and desperately trying to nestle into a tree to roost for the night. Chattering caws from the tree told Dren that a murder of Murkrow had already claimed the spot and were viciously defending it.
Dren and Swirly approached the tired bat, chirping in greeting. The Golbat hissed, but it seemed too tired to really take off - something wasn't quite right with the poor Pokemon, almost as if it had barely managed to get anything done in the night. It seemed somewhat emaciated, a fact that was only really visible thanks to the stark contrast between the russet ground and its green skin. Perhaps it had difficulty hunting when it was so easily seen.
The Alolan took pity on the creature, whistling to her Goodra to use Ice Beam on the tree. The Murkrow took off in a panic before the Dragon could fire off the frosty blast. Swirly released her charge with an icy huff, dissipating her move's energy now that it was no longer needed. Now that the Golbat could rest, Dren clicked her tongue for Goodra to follow her and leave the creature to sleep. The sound of whining from behind her as she turned stopped her in her tracks.
The Golbat, now resting upon the ground with its wings limp beside it, looked up at the tree and whimpered. The poor creature was too weak to even fly by now, unable to get itself into the tree it so dearly wished to sleep in. As Dren approached with her hands in the air to show she was not a threat, the bat hissed. Despite being malnourished, the creature still had a fighting spirit. That was good - it hadn't given up just yet.
"Hey, big guy," Dren cooed as she slowed her approach, "it's okay... I won't hurt you. Are you hungry?"
The green Golbat hissed again, this time far more weakly. It seemed to be barely clinging on to its own consciousness, completely at the mercy of its own fatigue. Dren sighed at the sight.
"You probably won't like this but... I won't let you just die here. That would be rude." Dren informed the creature, procuring an Ultra Ball from her satchel and gently holding it to the Golbat. It looked to her, to the ball, and then to Swirly - the Dragon purred and wiggled her antennae which seemed to help the bat relax. It tried to raise a wing, weakly reaching for the ball, but failed to get itself very far. Dren pushed the ball the rest of the way, the capture mechanism activating and sealing the Golbat away into the capsule. The Ultra Ball barely rocked as the weak Pokemon succumbed to the capture.

The hike back to the campsite wasn't too long, thankfully. Dren hurried back with Swirly in tow to get the Golbat fed and watered as soon as possible, her concern for the unusual hued bat growing with each passing minute. By the look of things, Ingo had only just folded the tent away into his hiking bag - his Machamp stood by, chattering idly before the female Pokemon let out a gruff grunt in greeting towards the approaching Alolan. Ingo turned around with eyes wide, clearly surprised to see Dren back so soon.
"Miss Dren! You're back very soon," the man noted, his brows furrowing when Dren did not answer and instead dove right into Ingo's food tin, "Dren? What are you doing?"
Releasing the Golbat beside the extinguished hearth, Dren gestured to the sickly bat and broke off a piece of honey cake for the creature. It very nervously peered at the offering, before reluctantly allowing the treat to be placed directly into its mouth. The honey-infused foodstuff seemed to immediately restore some of the Pokemon's energy if the purr it let out was anything to go by.
"Well, colour me surprised," Ingo murmured, stroking his goatee as he watched the green Golbat grow tamer by the minute, "You really do have talent with Pokemon taming, don't you? Where on earth did you find a Shining Golbat?"
Only then did Dren respond, finally feeling confident that Golbat wasn't about to perish. "Shining?"
Ingo chuckled, almost as if he anticipated the confused response. "This Golbat is green - hardly the standard colouration. I've heard the people of this land call such anomalies 'Shining Pokemon' since they stand out from their peers as if shining. They're exceedingly rare, if my information is correct," the Warden knealt down by Dren's side, keeping his movements slow so as not to startle the weakened Pokemon, "Poor thing is in dire need of a good rest, hm? I would assume being bright green doesn't allow a nocturnal creature to blend into the night very well."
"Maybe that's why... it doesn't seem to have eaten much for a while. It can't hunt properly," Dren sighed, frowning at the thought of a creature suffering from traits it did not choose, "I don't know much about Golbats... but it seems to like honey cakes. We should get along just fine."
The Golbat looked up, its large tongue licking its fangs as it glared at Dren - was it asking for more food? Or was this a threat display? Dren could read her Goodra like a children's picture book but this Golbat was more akin to an encyclopedia in a language she did not know. Experimentally, Dren reached for a second honey cake - this time, she did not break it up, instead she reached the whole treat forward and placed it into the Golbat's waiting mouth. It happily wolfed it down, its tongue lapping up the sweet syrup left on Dren's fingers with an almost gentle sense of caution. She giggled at the sensation before reaching for another wrapped cake, the last honey cake in the food tin.
"Are you not going to share?" Ingo scolded, his brow raised as he watched Dren's expression become almost sheepish like a child caught stealing from the sweets jar. Without even thinking, Dren broke the cake in half and offered half to Golbat, and then half to Ingo. The man's cheeks began to blush as Dren held the sugary cake up to his mouth.
"Eat it or I will." Dren's ultimatum was delivered far too sternly for someone offering cake, but it seemed to do the trick. Ingo averted his gaze and opened his mouth, letting the Alolan alien gently place the cake piece on his tongue. The sugary syrup stuck to the woman's fingers as she fed Ingo like she fed her new Golbat, prompting her to lick her fingers clean with a hum. She was too distracted by the sickly sweet honey to notice Ingo glaring at her, wide eyed and cheeks flushed pink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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