Then in a blink of an eye, he snarled, suddenly vicious and menacing.

Damian was taken slightly aback by the whiplash of emotions he was exhibiting and hadn't expected them to come in waves.  

Eric huffed and pointed, "You're lying, I've never seen him before." 

"You don't know everyone I hang out with-"

"Yes, I do!" He screamed, "I know you hang out with Olive almost every day, even after detective club business! You two constantly sit at that little spot on the roofs of the academy talking for hours a day. And the same goes for Colton, you two talk every Tuesday for brunch at Batburger to-"

"Eric Jorgensen, have you been spying on me!" Maps shouted, shoving her hands to his hips, cocking them to the side.

Tapping her foot irritably, disappointment etched all over her body. 

"I- well it's just that..." The pale reject at least had the decency to look ashamed of himself. 

Damian almost scoffed at the pathetic look he was presenting. 

Maybe he was wrong to think this guy-- Eric Jorgensen, could ever be a genuine threat.

This Maps girl was scolding him like some feeble child who had misbehaved, rather than take him as a serious threat.

Of course, she could just be putting on a front; acting brave in the face of danger. 

Although, he'll bet his money on his first theory.  

He continued to study the odd pair with a raised brow, as they resume their conversation. 

"What have I told you about stalking people? You can get in serious trouble for that." Maps shouted louder, dramatically throwing her hands up in the air.

So this isn't his first offense, Damian conceded briefly.  

Eric began fiddling with his thumbs again, rapidly shifting his eyes anywhere but at the angry brunet's.

Leaning against the balls of his heel, looking very uncomfortable with this turn of events.

The kid then began to mutter under his breath, "I-I just wanted to watch you and-"

"You could have come up and talked to me," Maps interrupted, with an angry puff of her cheeks. "I've never treated you like some obligation, you're my friend."

"I know it's just that... I mean... I don't think your friends like me."

That seemed like an understatement of the year, if he's ever heard one before. It would appear the whole school didn't like this Eric Jorgensen.

He exhibited strange behavior that would make anyone feel uncomfortable and not only that but he had serious mood swings that he can't seem to control either. 

Two combinations that obviously spell dangerous and if Gothamits knew anything about mentally ill people.

It was to steer as far away from them as possible or beat them with the nearest object to protect oneself. 

Apparently, this girl didn't take the hint.

Damian was all for giving people the benefit of the doubt and rising above the crowd but when obvious signs say to do otherwise you take them.

Or it could mean your life or worst. She was clearly giving this Eric Jorgensen too many chances for it to be acceptable anymore.

If she valued her sanity, she'd cut this relationship off now and move on.

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