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Anna's pov:
I walk out of my math class and wait in the lunch line to meet up with my friends. God it's so noisy here, and this school is like forty years old. Why did my mom have to move. Now I just have my little friend group that I just met over the summer, Eve, Justin, and Daniel. I mean they're great and all I just miss my friends from home.

While I rant in my head about this new school year, I spot a note in the glass casing next to me in the line.

Dear World,
Believe it or not, I knew about fear; I knew the way loneliness stung. I hid behind smiles and crazy hot clothes; I learned to kiss boys with my tongue. But the world held me down. It weighed like a concrete prom queen crown. No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings. No one gets her insecurities. I am more than shoulder pads and makeup. No one sees the me inside of me. They couldn't see past my rockstar mystique. They wouldn't dare look in my eyes. But just underneath...

Shit, the line moved before I got to read it all, was that a suicide note? Framed in my school board? But why? After I got my tray I sat my friend group's table and think to myself, staying silent while I eat.

"Come on. You never give my fictional crushes a chancee." Justin complained to Eve. They always play fight, I didn't think they would do it in school though.

"Give up Justin, I don't think I robot looks attractive." Eve stated while crunching on some fries and eating a book. Daniel was playing a game on his computer until he looked over to me.

"Hey uh, what's up with you Anna? You've been quiet since you sat down here."

"Oh sorry, just things on my mind. Hey, did any of you guys see the suicide note posted on our school bulletin board?" I asked the whole group. They were staring at me confused.

"The fucking what." Eve responded. I knew Westerburg was off. Did students actually die here? Was it this bad? That note had a date on it too. Shit what was it, uh 1989, yes there we go!

"There was a suicide note, it said it was from 1989 or something."

"Who displays a suicide note to their students." Daniel asked sarcastically. We knew it would be a Ms. Sawyer thing to do. She would point out the weirdest stuff of Westerburg's past. Like that one time she pointed out Eve's black leather jacket because it reminded her of a past friend. Like, okay? Thanks I guess.

"Hey! So I looked up Westerburg suicides, and apparently there's some rumors about four students killing themselves in the year 1989." Justin stated.

"Four?? Jeez Westerburg must've been complete shit" Eve said casually. I mean there were already rumors about the school being haunted. Boys locker room would have loud bangs while they were changing for football. A weird groaning noise from above the cafeteria tables. The football players frequently reported that their ankles are pulling grabbed or pulled on.

"What if they weren't suicides?" Daniel said half jokingly.

"THEY WERE MURDER! DUN DUN DUN." Justin joked. I thought for a bit. What if there was actually something going on.

"Guys meet up at my house tomorrow. We're having a sleepover. Andd we're looking into Westerburg ghosts." I said, shutting my history book closed since it was my 5th period.

"GHOSTS! Finally something exciting in my life" Eve said, swinging her backpack on. We all went home, and I looked up "Westerburg, class 1989."
Four deaths. Heather Chandler, Ram Sweeney, Kurt Kelly, and Jason Dean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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