Gears and Such

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At the carnival the usual had been happening. Relocate, advertise, kill. It was a regular cycle for the carnival, and yet still no one was smart enough to put together the pieces. They had shown a false advertisement about having the first ever robot human-like girl. Sadly the only people to ever see it never lived long enough to tell the story.

Meanwhile at the police station the new partners in crime were getting acquainted, "So you're the replacement." Detective Carson had asked bluntly. She wanted to latch out at him but control was the key to success. "Apparently so." She responded heading to her new desk and setting her box of belongings down. She pulled out her cushioned office chair and relaxed herself, Carson was just about to walk away when the Chief of Police had slammed a case file upon her desk. "There was a girl murdered by the main highway in Houston but the murder was never found, so I need y'all to drive down there and take a look at it. Report back when you find me something interesting." The Chief informed, and with that she was back at her office sorting files.

"First day and I already have a case, yippee." Detective Carroll sarcastically muttered, Carson was already making his way to his desk and grabbing the keys. She grabbed the file so they could review it on the way there. The walk to the car was silent, Carroll silently observing Carson trying to figure him out. Obviously he wouldn't be the same person because of the mishap at the carnival. Finally they headed on their way to Houston's main highway, which took about thirty minutes.

"Looks like the girl had suffered a major head injury and has a few scratches on her wrist and legs. Could mean there was some struggling against the victim and the murderer." She analyzed the case while explaining it. "Good observations Detective." he said giving his award winning smile while pulling up to the crime scene.

They probably figured out how she died, but they missed one important detail. The struggling victim was just fighting against the murderer but also a robot. If she would've looked closer at the dead body, Detective Carroll would have noticed the gash in her head was made by something that had metal, but it also had a piece of electrical rubber used to make skin for robots.

Now if you just put the two together where is the only place where you could find something that is a metal that had electrical rubber? None other than you're average Deadmans Wonderland of course.

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