Today was just like yesterday. There were people giving us looks of disapproval every corner of the school.

He gripped my hand tighter to let me know he was still there as we walked through the halls.

Finally, lunch rolled around and Eddie let me sit with him and his band friends. They were also part of Hellfire club.

Eddie sat at the end of the table and I sat at the corner to where our legs were touching underneath the surface.

He had one hand on my leg and I trailed mine to his and fiddled with his chunky rings on his fingers.

Then, Eddie began to read a segment of a news magazine out loud about the sadism of D & D and how the game has allegedly 'brought the devil to America'.

"Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... Murder." He slams down the magazine and we all laugh.

Mike and Dustin then join us at the table soon after.

"Hey guys." I wave at them when they sit down with their lunch trays that contain, what looks-to-be food.

"Hey y/n." They both say in return.

"So, you guys going to come to Eddie's gig tonight?" I ask them and we're all caught off guard when Eddie jumps on the table.

"But as long as you're into band or science... or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets..." He slowly walks across the table, stepping over everyone's food.

I look over and Steve stands up, then calls out to Eddie, "You want something, freak?" Eddie laughs it off and throws his fingers up by his temples that represent horns and he hangs his tongue out.

Our table roars with laughter.

Eddie always finds a way to make everyone laugh.

He finishes his speech about Dungeons and Dragons and everyone in the cafeteria is fast to ignoring him once again.

Eddie quickly sits back down like nothing had happened. "So, you both coming to cheer us on at The Hideout tonight, or what?" Eddie asks, turning to Mike and Dustin.

"Well..." Dustin begins and Eddie tilts his head towards him. He can be so intimidating.

"Well?" He smiles and Dustin begins to laugh nervously.

"You know... Lucas has his 'balls in laundry basket' game tonight." Dustin quickly points at Eddie, quoting what he said before. "... And Mike and I... Kind of told him that we were going to watch him play..." Dustin smiles.

Eddie takes a deep breath and forces a smile. "Ah... Okay then." He turns and looks at me, then quickly flicks a pretzel across the table, which hits Mike in the head.

"It's the championship game." Dustin adds.

Eddie jumps up from his seat agitatedly, making Dustin and Mike flinch. "Oh, it's the championship game." He repeats Dustin, nodding, and he walks around the table and asks, "Can I level with you?" He turns to Dustin, who nods.

He pauses, then puts his hand to his chest. "I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. Donovan's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma and I'm gonna run like hell outta here." He runs back to the table, laughing.

Garret then calls out, "Didn't you say that last year?"

"Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit." He turns away. "This year's different. This is my year." A smile stretches across his face. Then, he quickly turns back to us. "Eighty-six, baby." He shoots me a wink and I blow him a kiss.

Eddie, My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now