Chapter 2

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That's where my story unfolds. I'm only a few hours away from meeting my supposed "soul mate". Why me? Why? I continue to ask myself this over and over.

When my mom and dad finally came back to the hospital to get me, I couldn't tell them the truth. I hid my wrist from them and told them that it gave me 2 years. They didn't ask questions, but just let it be.

If I would have known that it would lead to this, I would have never gotten it. I should have listened to my gut.

I continue to sit on my bed, feeling a sort of energy telling me to get up and leave the house. It seemed like it was leading me towards my high school. I could t face going to school, knowing my "soul mate" would be there. I also couldn't face April practically yelling at me to show her my wrist. But once I started to move off my bed to get my shoes on, I knew I couldn't stop it.

I started to walk out the front door of my house and towards my school. I don't look back, not at all.

I enter the school grounds, looking down at my wrist. 30 seconds. I walk into the high school's theater. Luckily no one is in here, otherwise I'd be screwed. I sit in one of the chairs, waiting patiently. 20 seconds.

I sit in horror. 19.

What will it be like? 18.

Will he be someone I know? 17.

I continue to sit. I hear a noise coming from the other side of the theater.


"Hello?" A voice says. Suddenly I hear another noise from the other direction.


Two guys appear in front of me. Both just as shocked as I am. The first male is Brent Robinson, a foot ball player at our school, really talented might I add. The other male is Chris Michaels. He's not well known but I have him in a few of my classes but I don't know him well. He's pretty timid for someone as good looking as him. Might I add, both the boys are hot!

"Jean?" They both stare at me shocked.

"Everyone look at their timer! Now!" Simultaneously, we all look down at our wrist. Sure enough, all of them say zero.

"What the hell!" Brent exclaims. "This doesn't make any sense. I came in here to find my soul mate! Not a loser and some freshman!" I also should mention that Brent is a sophomore and not really to keen about people younger then him.

"I-I came here for the s-same reason." Chris says shyly. "Jean? W-what's going on?"

Before I get the chance to speak, Brent buts in. "Am I mated with you or him?!" He stares at us both with distaste.

"God will you just shut up and let me think!" I yell at him, getting easily annoyed. "I'm not sure what's going on to be honest. I guess it could be that we're all mated together."

"But I'm not d-drawn to him. It's l-like I'm drawn to y-you." Chris looks down at his hands, obviously afraid to look at either of us. He takes a few breaths and starts to speak without his studder. "Isn't it supposed to be that we feel drawn to that person that we get mated with? Well that's how I feel towards you Jean. I don't feel drawn to him."

"Jean? That's your name? That's how I feel towards you too. I don't understand. What's going on here? How is it like this? Jean. Please. What about you? Who do you feel drawn to?"

"Yeah how about you?"

"I-I don't know. It's goes back and forth between the two of you. I don't know." I look down at my hands.

They simultaneously each take one of my hands. And again they simultaneously stare at each other and glare. "Tell him to stop!" They both say.

I pull away from both of them quickly, still feeling the tingle of their hands. "I have to go." I walk out of there, not wanting to turn back. I hear my name being called by the both of them, but I don't look. I don't want to. This is gonna be one hectic love triangle.

Hello lovelies! What a change of events huh? Her being a Fast Track AND being mated with 2 different guys. Pretty crazy. Photo of Jean is in the media! I'm trying to figure out how to add a cast list so stay calm. Jean Moonie is played by Willow Shields. Chris Michaels is played by Payton Meyer. Brent Robinson is played by Chandler Riggs. And April Daze is played by Amandla Stenberg.

Word Count:812

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