The Night We Met

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Panic set in your chest as you packed your final item into your F/C (favorite color) suitcase, checking the time on your phone, a shocking 1:30 AM, looking up to the light as it stung your eyes, realizing that you had 9 hours until your flight to the US to attend your first concert of the band you we're absolutely obsessed with.. Ghost.

You inhaled sharply, trying to calm yourself, fatigue washing over you as you collapsed onto your bed and spread out your limbs to the size the mattress. You couldn't sleep now, your mind racing with imagination.
You could already see yourself in the crowd, hands in the air, screaming as Papa Emeritus made his way onto the stage, the ghouls welcoming him with the beautiful harmony of their guitars, and the drummer beating to the sound of your heart.

Mountain had always been your favorite ghoul, ever since you first were introduced to the band, and soon, you'd be in the same room as him.. the thought made you cover your face with a toothy grin, kicking your legs.

You loaded your bags into the back of your car, checking to make sure you had everything you needed and that your house was all ready to he left, dogs in their rooms, security system on, all was well and you couldn't be happier.
You got in, starting the engine and tearing out of your driveway, running a bit late due to the amount of time you spent getting ready, wanting to look nothing below stunning for the lead singer and his mates.

You arrived at the airport, doing all you needed to do and boarding your plane, taking a seat and recognizing that the passenger sitting directly across from you had on a familiar shirt.. Ghost merch, specifically Aether, plastered on the front with the logo directly above his head.
You made small talk with the individual, they were more than happy to discuss the band with you on the flight as you took off.

It all happened so fast, like you blinked, and suddenly your in the crowd, watching as Copia skipped onto stage with the glee you only dreamed about and saw in videos. It was incredible, lights flashing and people screaming, and amongst all the ghouls hopping and running around stage, you noticed one, looking at you, specifically.

It was Mountain.

The Drummer (Mountain Ghoul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now