Chapter 23 - Dinner Party

Start from the beginning

The night continues on, as Slughorn leads the discussion as the main course and dessert make their appearance. The seat next to Harry which is meant for Ginny is still empty as the guests eat their dessert. To be honest, Y/N has found the night to be quite boring, only really perking up when the next instalment of food arrives.

"So tell me, Cormac. See much of your uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn asks

"Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the holiday." the Gryffindor answers flashing a smile at Hermione and Flo. Of course the two girls glare at Cormac but he pays it no mind.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby? Working on anything new?" Slughorn says and smiles "For those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion."

As he speaks, Belby never once looks up from his plate. "Dunno. He and me dad don't get on. Probably because Dad thinks potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the-"

"And you, Miss Granger?" Slughorn cuts off  and Hermione seems stunned that the Professor has spoken to her. "What is it your family does in the Muggle world?"

Everyone stops and stares at Hermione and the Gryffindor girl looks a little startled by the attention. "My parents are dentists." Hermione says and everyone is silent, mainly because they've never heard of the profession "They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn asks

"No." Hermione replies "although, a boy named Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. Needed ten stitches."

Everyone stares at Hermione oddly, still not quite understanding what the Gryffindor girl meant. Harry smiles and Y/N softly chuckles to herself and looks to her girlfriend hoping to reassure her and it does. Hermione looks at Y/N and smiles brightly.

"Now Miss Black" Slughorn says "I heard that you were one of the youngest quidditch captains Ravenclaw has ever had, that is no small accomplishment "

"Thank you sir" Y/N says politely "I felt honoured to be selected"

"I've heard your abilities are pro level" Slughorn says "Is it your plan to play the sport professionally"

"I've always wanted to " Y/N answers and Slughorn smiles "if I ever make it pro I'll be sure to save you a seat"

"I would be honoured" Slughorn says "and best of luck for your first match in a couple of weeks, I'll be looking forward to see your skills in action"

Y/N smiles "I hope to not disappoint you Professor"

Suddenly, the large door groans and everyone's head turns. Ginny enters the room with a smile on her face and walks towards the table.

"Miss Weasley! Come in, come in." Slughorn says

"Sorry, I'm not usually late" Ginny replies, her eyes red and she looks uncharacteristically flustered.

"No matter. You'll be just in time for dessert." Slighting says "That is, if Belby leaves you any."

As Ginny moves to her seat, Hermione whispers to Y/N. "Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again. Her and Dean."

Y/N sighs and looks over at Harry, he can't seem to take his eyes off of the youngest Weasley. Suddenly Harry stands as Ginny reaches the table. Everyone looks at the raven-haired boy oddly, including Ginny. Hermione notices, and shares an amusing look with Y/N as he sits.

As they both sit, the chatter starts up on the table and Harry looks over at Hermione and Y/N "What?" he says

Hermione shrugs "Nothing."

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