Part 1: Continue Exploring mansion-1

Start from the beginning

Pinkppy: There's old scraps of papers shoved in between books.

"1/8 I finally married the man I loved for so long. We could finally make the perfect family." Yeah, cause that doesn't sound creepy, anyway let's see the next one."

"2/8 I didn't know I would end up being this way being with him. I am ill. He tells me I should sacrifice my family to live."

I notices the pages skipped, 3 to 7.

"8/8 Please, someone make me stop. I can't stop this. I have done horrible things to my family."

I stares at the page for a few minutes before shaking my head, I notices there was a photo placed there as well and picks it up.

Pinkppy: There's a photo here. I Looks like a old wedding photo. time has taken it's toll on it. I should look around and see if I can find anything else about this couple.

I puts the photo away and I brings out my journal again, I then hears something making they jump a little.

Pinkppy: Eh? What is that?

I then brings out my journal and writes down a new entry.

Pinkppy's journal 2: Couple in the photo

"I found a photo of what seems to be from a wedding. For some reason the faces were blurred out. There was also some torn entries saying that she regrets horrible things to her family. I wonder what she did."

I closes the journal and puts it away, before continuing my exploration of the mansion. I enters through another door, the room was filled with 3 plants, a chest on the left, and another chest at the end, I sees something on the ground and picks it up.

Pinkppy: An incomplete music sheet, should hold onto this, might be important.

I then opens the chest to my left and finds a note, I then starts to read it.

"6/8 I started to lock everything that reminded me of my family after I have crushed Aria's skull on the piano. The locked chest in this room contains the last thing Aria was holding onto. I hid it so she wouldn't remember her death. I made the combination to something I can remember around the house... I will hide this note in here so only I can find it. 1st number: The amount of plants in this room. 2nd number: The amount of bookcases outside this room. 3rd number: The amount of artificial plants in the left straight hallway. 4th number: Number of dolls in the 1st floor."

I then sighs as he tries to remember the puzzle, I was interrupted when I hears a noise that sounds like scissors.

Pinkppy: What the? Is someone there?

I was answered, when a little girl holding a pair of scissors appeared. She giggled.

Pinkppy: (She's holding scissors, is she going to attack me?)

The little girl then walks closer to me, making me take a step back. Normally I wouldn't be afraid at this sort of thing, but since my quirk isn't working, I has no way to defend myself.

Pinkppy: (She's getting closer! I have to get out!)

I runs to the door and tries to open it, but it's locked.

I then rams the door open, before quickly getting up and slams it shut, preventing the girl from following me. I takes a minute to catch my breath, before I taking out my journal and writing down what happened.

Pinkppy's Journal 3: Girl with scissors

A girl with scissors in her hands almost attacked me! The door closed and I had to force it open. Thankfully I made it out alive. There's something wrong, a spirit that takes psychical form only can mean there is some sort of curse in this place.

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