kalani - three

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His hands, his large, large hands, ran up and down my body. He touched me in places that I didn't want to be touched in. He made me take my clothes off, my body trembling. People walked in, saw me there in the stall. They didn't tell anybody. Nobody would save me, not a soul. I let out muffled cries, for he roughly kissed my lips. I was crying tears, sad and horrified tears. He was taking away something from me that could never be given back.

I woke up with a start, quickly sitting up in my bed. My breathing was uneven, beads of sweat forming on my hairline. This was usually what happens when I fall asleep. It makes me not want to fall asleep because again, I'll have to witness It.

Shakily, I crawled out of bed. I placed my feet on the floor, pushing myself up. My head was pounding. I wiped the sweat from my head with a blanket. I didn't care what I looked like today, me being to shaky to do anything with myself. My wavy hair was a lion's mane, but I didn't fix it. I was wearing no makeup, black sweats, and a worn, burgundy school sweatshirt. I slipped on my navy blue Adidas-brand Roshes, walking out the door.

I was walking with my head down, when I heard my name called with a masculine voice. Joshua. "Kalani!" He yelled. I could sense him smiling. I turned around. His face softened. "Woah, Kalani," he cooed, "are you okay?" I could feel the tears coming, wanting nothing more than for Joshua to hold me tight. I know, I put on this act like I hate him, but honestly, I want nothing but him.

"Um, yeah," I squeaked, my voice cracking. A tear slid down my cheek. He must have noticed, because he held his arms out towards me. "Come here," he said softly.

I ran into his arms, sobbing. Crying because this happened. Crying for the first time since the man did this to me. Crying since there are unfortunately people that commit this evil crime. Crying for everything.

"Shh, Kalani," Joshua whispered to me soothingly, rubbing light circles in the middle of my back. He hugged me a little tighter, slowly rocking back and forth. He had his arms around my back. I jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around his torso, still crying into his shoulder. His shirt was probably soaked with tears that seemed never ending. He caught me, thankfully.

I stopped crying, enjoying his presence for a little while. I heard his voice ask me something that I wasn't able to hear. "What was that you said, Joshua?" I whispered.

"How about I take you to Starbucks and you can get something to calm you down," He said, once again, soothingly, "and if you'd like to, you can tell me what exactly you were crying about." I hopped down from him, staring into his bright blue eyes. I kissed him on the cheek as I whispered, "That would be lovely."

We arrived at Starbucks, walking hand in hand. We ordered our drinks, both of us ordering a Chai tea. We sat down, and suddenly, I started to ramble. I changed emotions, from angry to sad to angry to upset. Joshua understood. He knew then why I was crying. I finished my rambling, taking a sad sip from my Chai tea. My hand had been on the table, I felt his hand placed right on top of mine. I looked up to see his blue eyes clouded with tears. He kissed my cheek, whispering sympathetically, "I am so sorry Kalani. I'll always be here for you." I blushed, and we sat for the rest of the time in a comfortable silence, sipping on our Chai tea.


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