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I was terrified. I know I shouldn't have been: for most people, their wedding day was the happiest day of their lives. But just having the thought of so many people's full attention on me, not even counting the eyes of pretty much the entire world watching... It was a lot of pressure. I felt more scared than when I first faced Amon over five years ago.

"You look beautiful," Asami reassured me, as she finished up my makeup and hair. Granted, she'd been instructed exactly on what to do with me by Aunt Pema and Aunt Kya.

"Thank you."

"It's your big day. How are you feeling?" Asami asked in her usual friendly manner.

"Honestly? I feel like jumping out that window and running away."

Korra laughed, but she did make sure to take my glider, which was resting near the window. "Yeah... It's a little too late for that, Zaya."

"You shouldn't be nervous. Today's about you and Mako, and how much you care about each other," Asami said and I sighed tiredly.

"Then why does it feel like everyone else is more excited than me?"

"THERE SHE IS!" Aunt Pema said, unable to hold back her tears the minute she saw me. I felt utterly uncomfortable under all this makeup and heavy garments, but I couldn't burst her bubble. "Oh, Zaya... You look absolutely perfect."

"Agreed!" Su said, as she and her sister, Lin, walked into the room and sniffled a bit. It was probably the first time I'd seen Chief Beifong get teary-eyed at all. "I just know Aiko would be so proud."

The mention of her name made me a little sad. Aiko had been my mother, the woman who took me in as her own after I was found abandoned on the shores of Air Temple Island. She had loved me with everything she had, given me everything I needed, showed me love and gave me a family, but I could barely remember her. She died when I was really young. I found myself wondering what things would've been like had she still been here with me. Would she like Mako? Would she have some nice advice to give me before the most important day of my entire life?

"Hey, don't worry, kid. You've got her bravery, that's for sure," Lin said, and for some reason, that was enough to calm me for now.

"Everyone's already here," Opal suddenly said, joining us. Following her, entered Ikki and Jinora, who both let out excited squeals when they saw me.

"Oh she looks sooo good!"

"I so want a dress like that when I get married!"

"Girls!" Their mother briefly scolded them. "We need make sure Zaya isn't late."

"We'll see you out there!" Su said, as she and her sister left the room with Pema and the girls.

Opal took a step toward me and smiled. "You really do look amazing, sifu Zaya."

"Thank you, Opal."

Korra, Asami and Opal suddenly hugged me tightly. I hadn't realized how much I needed a hug until this very moment. I finally allowed myself to breathe and felt a thousand times better by the time they separated.

"Alright, Master Zaya. Let's get you married," Korra said, as the three of them escorted me to the courtyard together.

Opal wasn't kidding when she said that everyone had arrived. Among the guests, not only could I see all of my family including Aunt Kya, Gran Gran, Uncle Tenzin and his kids, Aunt Pema... But I also saw all of Mako's family from Ba Sing Se and the Beifongs. Of course, Bolin was already on the altar, next to his brother as he acted as the best man. Pabu and Naga were also waiting, looking rather handsome as well. I even saw Varrick, Zhu Li, Fire Lord Izumi and her father and son, Tonraq, Senna...

THE AIR MASTER {LOK/ATLA} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now