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Yuki's lips were still pressed against Tomura but the other was just in shock at how bold she had been. He didn't move an inch even after she had pulled away, he remained frozen. "That should take care of your internal wounds... Tomura?" He was just staring off into space although Yuki didn't care that much. "I'm going to take a walk Tomura" She had started towards the door in hopes to get some fresh air but before she could make it far Tomura's hand grabbed ahold of her wrist. "Wait"

"Oh, he speaks, and here I thought you were broken" She was trying to keep the mood light despite still feeling unwell. Tomura didn't pick up on how she forced those words out. He was focusing on other things at the moment. "I will go-" He didn't want her to go out but if she wanted some air, he'd go with Yuki to make sure she came back. However, the other male in the room was trying to ruin his fun. "Shigaraki it would not be wise to be seen in public this soon" Kurogiri was just looking out for his best interest but Tomura wasn't one for listening to reason. He played by his own rules. "Shut up, Kurogiri. I'm going out with Yuki"

"I have warned you" With that said Yuki started to pull her wrist free but decided now was a good time to tease him. "You know something Tomura... From just looking at you I would have thought your hands would be cold as ice but they weren't. Surprisingly they were radiating heat" Her tone softened towards the end and even Tomura had been surprised by what she had admitted. No one had ever gotten that close to him but she did and she lived to tell the tale. "When did you- Oh, that's right you were gripping my hand earlier. You can always hold it now. I don't mind"

His hand reached out for her to take and while Yuki hesitated, she knew it wasn't going to kill her. "I'm terrified of you but I can't help myself. See you later Kurogiri" Yuki gave a wave to Kurogiri who had his back to them although he did whisper something under his breath. Neither party heard so they just continued out the door. She wasn't sure where exactly they were before but now Yuki realized what city they had been in. "Where is it we're going, Yuki?" It wasn't her intention to give Tomura anything more. She was content with him just having that kiss but something was different and she wanted to reward him appropriately.

"I promised you a prize that would be worth it" She knew exactly where to go, this city was easy to navigate once you got passed the crowds of people blocking the way. "You already gave me a prize"

"Yeah, I was going to use that but I had another thing in mind when I made that promise" Her pace was quick although Tomura kept up easily as she turned down another alleyway. She was keeping out of sight since she knew the heroes would be on high alert after hearing about the attack on the U.S.J. "What is it?" Keeping it a surprise wasn't something that needed to be done and besides she knew Tomura would be curious either way. "A tape from my time at U.A. High. Actually, it's from the Sports Festival during my first year. I just need to retrieve it from an old friend"

"The Sports Festival... Couldn't we just watch it on the computer?" Normally Tomura would have been correct however Yuki already took care of that. There were bits and pieces of it although everything showing her was gone. "No, I had all traces of it erased... I was quite the beast back then. My power was great but it cost me more than I realized. I only use about 50% of my quirk now"

"Only 50%?"

"Yeah, it's a powerful quirk and I can kill someone with it... but I refuse to cross that line. There was a time when I let my temper get the best of me. If it wasn't for Bravo, I would have killed him. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad although as she said it would have destroyed the goodness in my heart. Think she was right?"

Tomura took the time to think over what she had said, but in the end, he knew exactly the kind of person he was, cold, heartless, someone without morals. "I'm the wrong person to ask that Yuki. I've killed hundreds and haven't regretted a single one. You were right to be afraid of me. If you weren't immune to my quirk, you'd-" Yuki had heard enough of that talk and cut him off. "I don't believe that Tomura. There are other ways to kill a person than just turning them to ash. I'm sure you know that. Come on her house is down here"

Tomura Shigaraki x OC {Touch}Where stories live. Discover now