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It had been another late shift but for one it would be her last. "I'm sorry to see you go, Yuki. Does your new job pay more than this one?" Both were in the process of putting on their shoes although once leaned back in order to reply to the question. "I don't have anything at the moment but I couldn't take another day in this place" Even showing up for this last shift was tough enough. Doing a job, you hated always took its toll and she'd finally be free as soon as her feet passed through those doors one last time. "Was it really that bad? I'm sorry you should have told me this sooner. Want me to at least walk you home?"

"Thank you but I need to decline. We are in opposite directions and besides, I have to make a stop on my way home" It was long passed two in the morning which was why Yuki could not allow the other to escort her home. She could already see the eyes of the other were threatening to close at any moment. "Fair enough. Could you at least call me once you make it home? I want to make sure you get there safely. There has been a lot more crime in this area lately" Yuki understood the crime rate had gone up even with the presence of heroes the villains still flocked to the area.

"Ren... There is nothing to worry about" Yuki knew the dangers the city held although even with her weak quirk she still made due. Not to say she avoided the villains altogether but it was an occurrence that was normal in her eyes. As long as she did not provoke them, they usually left her alone. "Yuki, villains are a real threat and you need to stop being careless" Ren had made a good point. Yuki just had her own opinion regarding it. "Is that not why we have heroes? To protect us from the big bad villains? Tsk. I am sorry but that just makes me sick"

"Heroes are the good guys, Yuki. I understand but please be careful" Yuki was waiting by the door while Ren finished tying her laces. "Walk me to the corner? I have a present for you" Ren's eyes held such emotion in them but she quickly shook her head before standing to her feet double-checking to make sure she had everything. "Sure, just wait outside I forgot my scan card again" She was bad at forgetting that card behind the bar so Yuki just struggled with her shoulders that the girl's mistake. "K"


Eight Minutes Later...

It had only been a couple of minutes but Yuki was already bored from the waiting. So, when her friend exited the building, a sigh escaped her lips. "Did you find it, Ren?" The girl retraced her steps but unfortunately didn't find what she had set out to find. "No... I will have to pay for another replacement" It would be her fifth card that she had lost and they were not cheap to replace. "Maybe it will show up tomorrow. I know this is not the corner but here" Yuki had handed over a small grocery bag. It could have been wrapped although the girl couldn't find the time. "Thanks, Yuki"

Ren was quick to unravel the knot and shove her hand into the bag. A small box was soon in her hand although it didn't take long for it to be popped open. "No! You remembered!" Yuki knew she had been eyeing it for months and since it was an okay price, she decided to make it an early birthday present. Even though Ren was taking her time admiring the gift Yuki decided the night needed to end. "See you around Ren. I will call you later"

"You better. Thank you for the present!"

"No problem!" Both girls turned toward their own destination but before Yuki rounded the corner, she held herself in place to watch Ren walk safely into her building. She lived just across from the bar and didn't bother to turn around as she walked up the steps disappearing down the hall. Knowing her friend was safe made Yuki turn to start toward her own apartment. Her's was further away about twenty minutes but that was fine with her. The streets were quiet almost like no one else was awake at this time of night.

"Peaceful" The day was always so loud for Yuki. She took up nights to avoid the fighting of the heroes and villains but even then, they kept her up from time to time. In truth, she hated both of them. One of full of themselves posing for the limelight while the other was playing a game they would always lose. "Pitiful" Her apartment was still another ten minutes away but for one reason or another, she stopped in her tracks. "You're pitiful too, Yuki. Quitting your job. What were you thinking?" Her words just echoed off the walls but with a sigh, her pace picked up once again.

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