Chapter 17

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Look up? My eyes slowly trace up the wall of the maze. I took a step back in shock as I see what my papi has created.

this is so much better than a basic love letter

On the wall, written with what i can only assume is a mixture of blood and spit and some weird creamy stuff, was another message for me.

My love, I need to show you the true me. The real, sexy me. I've had enough of waiting. We will meet soon, just trust your instincts.

What? That made no sense. What is he even hiding from me? I need to find him, but he could be anywhere. I don't know my way through this maze.

I decide to try and just explore. I take a couple steps forward when I feel the bottom of my shoes get sticky. I look at the floor to see I'm standing in a puddle of drool.

But as I look around I notice some drool outside of the puddle. I walk up to it and spot more small drops of it even further ahead. And then more, and more, and more. It's a trail. It goes on and on. I'm almost certain that this is what he meant by the note.

I gallop my way through the maze, running into a few walls. I ran into minho too, which delayed me almost a whole half hour because he kept on saying shit about 'alpha males' and 'pretty girls need protection.'

The only way I got him to shut up was by casually waving my AK-47 in front of him. He got the message. I continued my trotting until I noticed the puddles coming to an end. Looking up, I see a big round door. I don't think there has ever been any doors in the maze.

I walk towards it with caution. I pressed the button to its side and it opened. Light seeped in. Except it wasn't yellow and warm. It was blue and electronic. It was a short tunnel. It led to some weird room on the other side. I continued walking forward, curious to see what it was. I was almost completely in the room when I heard a shout.


I looked behind me and sighed. I swear to god he won't give up.

"Y/N! WAIT!" Mojito said panting and whipping sweat off his forehead. "What- What are you doing? Were you just gonna leave?"

"I- no? what! haha, meeee? nahhhhh. I- I was just- checking to make sure it'!" I say, scratching an itchy spot on my back with the barrel of the AK-47. "Why did you follow me?"

"Uh- I didn't- I mean, I did but not in a creepy way, you know? I was just making sure my little Omega didn't get hurt." He stuttered

I walk towards him and elbow him in his face, knocking him to the ground. I put my foot on his chest to make him stay down. "I'm the alpha here. Got it?" I say, spitting on him.

"Y-yes ma'am." He says, shocked at my god-like skills. He should know better by now. "We should t-tell the others."


"You know... because we found the exit?" He says.

I spit on him again for good measure and then helped him up. "I found the exit." I corrected. He just nodded in agreement and we walked back through the maze together.

* * *

The sun was directly above our heads by the time we got back. Minho and I made a plan to go straight to Albacore and have him organize a glade meeting to tel everybody the news.

We stormed into the Homesteads and grabbed Albatross.

"We need you to call a glade meeting, it'a extremely urgent." Mohino said.

"What? What's this about?" Alby said, hunkily.

"We don't have time," I say, "Just call a damn meeting."

"Should I make a charcuterie board?" Frypan butted in. "I have all these new cheeses I've been meaning to test them out-"


"It's chess club," mumbled Flying Pan as he dragged his feet out the door.

"I'm actually a proud member of the chess club." A familiar british voiced perked up.

"NEWT. OUT." I say as I drag him out by his ear.

Alby must have finally sensed the urgency of this meeting and decided to finally announce it to the glade. We all gathered up in a matter of minutes. Apparently Minho is the only important runner because he was the only one in the maze this morning.

"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP EVERYONE." Mojito said to stop the bickering. "We- I mean y/n discovered something very important this morning. We- sorry, she found the way out of the maze.

Immediately all the glader boys started talking. Some even let out a whoop and started to dance.

"LISTEN UP." I said. They listened immediately. Good, they're learning. "We can all escape tonight. Finally, once and for all. Does anybody have any objections?"


"Nah it's seems like a good plan." One boy commented.

"Yeah it's smart." Another agreed.

"Huh," I said, "I was certain somebody was gonna object and be a total idiot and maybe even kill somebody, like, i don't know, Chuck."

"Yeah, Gally probably would have done that, but, you know, he's..." Mohino stated.

Everyone had a moment of silence for the fallen eyebrow king.

"Alright." I break the silence. "Everybody pack essentials and a weapon or two. We are gonna be smart and not go at night. Be ready by 1:00" I dismiss them and they start to leave for the Homesteads.

I realize I don't own anything sentimental to take with me. Chuck has some creepy ass wooden doll, but I have nothing.

Oh wait. I do have something. I go into the forest quickly as everybody starts to gather at the front of the maze.

I run back to join them, stuffing two used wax strips into my pockets.

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