Chapter 4

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As they all got closer to me, their voices overlayed again.

"Wow that was mega-fast"

"She should be a runner!"

"What are you talking about, a girl can't be a runner"

"Yo, Brad, that was kinda sexist"

"Yeah, Brad you're just mad that you are stuck shoveling cow shit."

"Shut up Kevin."

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH," the hunk of a boy from earlier said. "The greenie is already freaked out enough. Somebody get the Med-Jacks, she hit her head...twice."

"Oh, no uh, I'm fine." I say, nonchalant.

"Dude, Minho's abs are like, made of steel. How do you not have a concussion." One of the boys said.

"Just shut up, Karl." Hunky-boy said. "Let me catch you up, greenie. My name is Alby. I'm sort of the leader around here, I suppose. This is Minho, as you know, Gally from earlier, Newt, who is for some reason British unlike the rest of us, and Frypan. I dunno, he makes food and stuff I guess."

I'm terrible with names. I debate on whether or not to say something. I decide against it and focus my attention on Arby's again.

"The rest you'll meet tonight at the bonfire, but for now, I need somebody else to give the tour. I need to go find the Whiskey that Chuck stole from me."

He began to walk away, then abruptly turned back towards us, as if remembering something.

"Oh, right, uhm Newt, you do the tour." He said and then turned back around.

Groans of complaint filled the air.

"Why him?"

"Yeah, he's a scrawny little rat."

"I'm a much better candidate, greenie."

"Guys leave them alone," Mean Hoe said. He patted Noose on the back as he walked away, shooing the crowd back.

Noose motioned for me to follow him as he walked towards a small looking forest. He turned to me as I caught up to him.

"So, let's start off with basics, what's your name?" He asked.

"Uhm, y/n" I said, still feeling a weird sense of detachment towards the name.

"Mmm, y/n, a perfect name for an uwu girl like you." He said.

I casually pulled out my AK-47 - which I miraculously still had custody of - and threatened him with it.

"Say that again and I'll bash your brains in." I said.

He sighed. "Nobody ever understands nice guys like me."

I kicked him in the balls and left him on the forest floor groaning in pain like the baddie I am.

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