17: A Little Birdie Told Me

Start from the beginning

Charlie rolled her eyes.

"And before you think about it," Chuck added, coming to stand beside Charlie but keeping his hands to himself, "this one's mine."

Charlie blushed and ducked her head to try to hide it, smoothing her hands down the front of her dress.

"Any preference, ladies?" Hoobs asked, looking between Autumn and Violet with an easy smile. He had a sweet, if a little bit goofy, face, with big ears and a kind smile. Charlie thought he would go nicely with Violet, if only to help soothe her nerves for the night, but when she glanced over at George she found him making what could only be described as heart eyes at her himself.

Potentially, George would be a bit much when paired with Violet, but he was already making his way over to her when neither she nor Autumn gave voice to any preference of the two. When he came to stand in front of her he bowed gallantly and took her hand, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles while keeping his eyes on hers.

Letting her hand go, George stood up straight again and spoke quietly to Violet, likely giving her the opportunity to let him down gently without the rest of the room overhearing. Charlie looked away. The whole thing was very sweet but she felt she was intruding on something private.

Now, though, she was more at ease with the idea of George taking Violet to the dance. He'd look after her, she thought.

Charlie looked over at Autumn and found Hoobs - was that really his name? - standing in front of her, grinning like a madman. "I like your scar," he told her. He gestured to his own cheek, indicating where the scar on Autumn's face would be if he had an identical one, as if she wouldn't know which scar he was referring to.

"I like your ears," she replied, as pleasant as if she was telling him she'd just love to go out with him.

Instead of being insulted, however, Hoobs only laughed. "Touché." He held out a hand for her to shake, somehow smiling more sincerely now. "I'm Don."

"Autumn," she told him, shaking his hand with a smile of her own.

"I thought Floyd said his name was Hoobs?" Charlie whispered to Chuck, who she knew had also been eavesdropping.

Chuck smiled down at her. "Donald Hoobler. We call him Hoobs for short."

"I see," Charlie acknowledged. "So if he's Hoobs, and Floyd is Tab, who are you?"

He laughed. "Chuck is already a nickname," he pointed out.

Charlie shrugged. "So is Charlie, but that didn't stop Floyd from giving me another one."

Chuck didn't get a chance to reply to that, since Mabs had suddenly decided she didn't want to stand around anymore and was, in fact, ready to leave. Charlie giggled as Mabs pulled Floyd behind her and out of the door.

Autumn and Don were right behind them, and just as Charlie went to follow Chuck halted her gently by her elbow.

"Before we go," he started. He ducked his head closer to hers to avoid being overheard by Violet and George as they passed them on their way out of the door, Violet's hand tucked into George's elbow and George's smile as bright as the sun.

Charlie's attention was drawn back to the boy in front of her when he continued, "I got you something." He withdrew his other hand from behind his back and produced a small white cardboard box, looking nervous as he handed it over to her.

"It's not much," he warned as she began to open it.

Charlie laughed. "You didn't have to get me anything at all!"

"I wanted to."

Charlie looked up and met his eyes just to give him a smile, then turned back to the little box in her hands as she pulled the lid open.

Her hand flew up to cover her mouth. A gasp left her lips. "Chuck!"

"Do you like it?"

Inside the box was a delicate pink damask rose, its green leaves peaking out from behind the petals.

"A corsage," Charlie breathed. She'd finally been given a corsage to press into a scrapbook and show to her children. She may have missed out on one for her prom but this was even better.

Slowly, Charlie lowered her hand from her mouth and touched one of the petals with gentle fingers, delighted by its softness. She looked up at Chuck, truly touched by the gesture. "How did you know?"

Chuck shrugged with a half-smile. "Do you like it?" he asked again.

"I love it," she replied, positively glowing with happiness. She held out the box to him. "Will you pin it for me?"

"I'd be honoured."

Chuck's fingers were clumsy as he attempted to pin the flower onto her dress right by her shoulder without accidentally brushing up against any impolite places, but after some perseverance the rose sat proudly on top of her dress, the shades of pink matching each other almost perfectly.

Charlie touched it reverently. "It's so beautiful," she said quietly. She glanced up to Chuck to search for his agreement.

He smiled. "Shall we go?" He offered her his elbow and she took it without hesitation. Any nerves she'd had earlier in the night about how the dance would go were silenced now that she'd been given a corsage. She was so glad Chuck had asked her, and that she'd said yes.

The pair of them left the house and Charlie locked the door behind her before they walked in a comfortable quiet down the street together. Mabs and Floyd, Autumn and Don, and Violet and George were still visible, even far up ahead as they now were, and it didn't take her and Chuck long to catch up. All the while Charlie found herself even more excited for the night to come than she had been when she'd been getting ready, now that all of her nerves had dissipated. She had no idea what was in store for all of them, but suddenly that was exciting instead of terrifying.

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