2.) I think I know you?

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As you approached the camp, you became aware of your surroundings once more. The camp was surrounded by a lake. It was a grassy area with a few different log buildings and a whole lotta tents. There was a mess hall, and a counselors cabin. There were also small booths and makeshift buildings which you could only assume were the so called "camps" that David had told you so much about.
Snapping back to reality, you heard David talking to the kids.
"Alright campers, go have fun, spread the word that there will be a campfire and s'mores at sundown."
Turning to you, he let out a sigh.
"I love those kids. Anywho, lets go meet Gwen in the counselors cabin!"
He grabbed your arm and practically dragged you over to the building. Just as he went to knock on the door, it opened and the sudden loss of solid matter caused him to fall over. A woman who you could only assume was Gwen stepped out and face palmed, almost as if this was a daily thing.
"David, get up." She said with a rather rough voice. Putting her first up to her mouth, she cleared her throat. You bent down to help him and he graciously accepted your hand. As soon as he was off the ground, he put his hands on his hips, only to realize that one was bleeding because of a splinter, and rubbed off on his shirt.
"Aw man, that's the third one this summer!" He said, running off too get another.
When he got back, he lead you and Gwen to a room and the two of them sat down in comically large, comfortable looking chairs and began the interview.


"So let me make sure I have everything correct. Your full name is Y/N Sharpe, you are 21 years old, you have never been a camp counselor, but are good with kids. Is that all right?"
"Yup! that's me."
"Alright, one last question. You look very familiar," David started.
"I think I know you..? I'm not sure where from, but you definitely ring a bell."
You weren't ready to tell them yet, who you really were, so you didn't.
"I get that a lot actually, I suppose I just have one of those faces."
Just one of those faces?? Are you kidding Y/N? Whatever, you just hoped they would buy it.
"Oh, alright! Just let me have a quick talk with my co-counselor!
With that he and Gwen turned and started whispering about what to do.
"Your hired!"
"Wait, really?"
"Yup!" David exclaims. "Let me show you where your room is!"
He brought me a few rooms over and opened a door on the right.
"This will be yours! I hope its big enough!"
"Its perfect." It was plain but I could work with that.
"Okay! Let's give you a tour now!"
He is so energetic. You don't know if you hate it or love it. He leads you around camp. There's a recreational area, a dock, a hiking path, and "Lovers Peak" which apparently has a very nice view.
"Oh and don't be alarmed, but we have a platypus running around. He is our mascot I think?"
You chose not to question it.
"Also, we aren't the only summer camp around here. Bordering lake lilac, there are 3! The Woodscouts, who love to cause trouble, the Flowerscouts, who focus on etiquette, and then there's us! We love being kind and having fun!" He sounded so happy it was contagious, so being the dork you are, you smiled back for the first time today. He giggled abd ranted about how exited he was to have you at camp, then caught himself before he could continue.
"I'm sorry, I talk a lot" he said, his tone declining.
"No you don't! Keep going!"
He smiled, and then he- did he just... BLUSH? God he is so- wait what?
He is your boss what the fuck.
But his sing song voice makes you seriously doubt your ability to keep your cool around him for more than 5 minutes. Why am I even thinking this? I haven't since-
"Y/N? Are you feeling alright?*
Opening your eyes, you discovered you had lagged behind. You looked up to David and saw that he had his hand out. So you took it. And the two of you just walked like that. He told you about the different trees, and plants.
When you came to a stop, he began to speak.
"Alright, I believe that's it, please be by the fire at sundown?"
"Couldn't miss it!" You managed to reply before you sprinted off to your room leaving David very confused.


Little did you know, Max was watching that whole thing play out, and was most definitely planning to use it against you.
In the cabin, you were busy squealing into a pillow and kicking your legs like an elementary schooler with a crush, which was half accurate to your current situation.
When you least expected it, Max busted through the window. Yup. Straight through it.
"Goddammit." was all he said.
You yelled.
"Chill out, I was just trying to find more evidence you liked David so I could ruin your stay here at camp and make sure you knew that life is the worst thing to ever happen."
"Oh okay."

"Wait what!? First off, rude. Second, MORE??"
"Yeah I watched your last conversation with him, you totally find him attractive. How or why? I'm not sure. I don't even think its possible for someone to be as happy as him."
"Oh yeah? Sounds fun. I'd love to talk about it. Get out."
"Awe, the graciousness has run out!"
You picked him up by his hood and dropped him outside of the door.
"Oh, by the way, you're not off the hook for that window just yet mister." You said before shutting the door.
'These kids are gonna be the death of me', you thought. Before long, the sky was beginning to darken, so you headed out to the fire.


When you arrived, you took the seat next to David as he welcomed you with a wave and a small smile.
"Hey Y/N! We were just about to tell spOoky stOries!" He then proceeded to make a ghost noise, or at least tried to, but got burnt halfway through from his marshmallow falling off his stick.
"Aah," he hissed, pulling his arm back.
"Are you okay?!" You said grabbing his arm and fanning it.
Sharply inhaling he nodded.
"Yeah, its no biggie!" He laughed halfheartedly.
"I'll go get a first aid kit." You offered.
"You really don't have to-"
He squeaked but you were already making a mad dash for the cabin.
When you got back, you quickly tended to his wounds.
After you finished, you took his hand and gave it a kiss, as your mother used to do for you. He looked down at you, blushing madly, but you shrugged and set his hand back down. Suddenly, he put his head on your shoulder, which startled you. He tried to move when he realized but you held him there. He smiled and became less tense.
I could really get used to this.


1270 Words

Woo! Chapter 2 in the same day! I hope this isn't moving too fast or something, I just thought the reader should have an awkward crush in the very beginning, because then I can make it a painful slow burn. MUAHAHAHHA!

Campe Diem!

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