Chapter 1: Adventus

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His breath... calm as the dancing snow.

His stature... unwavering as the mountains.

His mind... steady as a machine.

The others surrounded him with their weapons in hand. Swords, daggers, axe, crossbow, firearms; all of them were ready to pierce his weirdly shaped armor. Many-a Arts casters were on standby behind the rest, ready to react should he show the slightest bit of aggression. Little did they know...

He was outnumbered, but it mattered not. He could sense their hesitation, their fear, as most trembled before him. Others... he could sense their burning spirit.

But it all mattered not, for he came in peace.

"I wish to speak with your leader." He voiced out, raspy, deep, and gruff, resonating, reverberating within their skulls. His voice sent shivers to those near him, threatening the weak-willed to drop their weapons and make their hasty retreat.

One of them was about to shout in refusal and panic. But he was quickly stopped by a new figure entering the commotion. "Stand down." A white-haired Feline, dressed in medical clothing, approached the hooded man. All eyes were on her as most of them gripped their weapons shakily.

Her green eyes locked with his faceless helmet. As she did, her visage was laced with a constant frown. "Follow me." She curtly ordered as she turned her back on him.

He did as she asked, his step echoing on the metal floor. The others made way for the two, creeping to the edge of the hall and parting the crowd in the middle like the sea parted for he who once led his brethren to safety.

His vision turned toward a young brown-haired Cautus. The young girl was staring at him with a curious, yet steely gaze. Her blue eyes never wandered off as his steps thundered in the hall. It piqued his interest, as he sensed something within her, something powerful. He waved the thoughts off as he followed the good doctor's footsteps, not wanting to make another scene.

She led him toward a large, medical facility of the sort. It was silent and empty, save for the medical machine quietly humming in the background and glowing with a gentle hue.

The door hissed close behind him as she turned toward him. Despite his larger stature, she was still fearless as she faced him, a hidden ace up her sleeve, perhaps. An eternal frown was etched onto her face as she crossed her arm, demanding an explanation.

"You are far from your home, Wraith." The white-haired Feline began her interrogation. In response, he raised his head in a slow surprise. He never expected someone to know of his kind in the far reach of this barren wasteland. "You know of us, doctor?" He questioned the Feline medic. "Merely fragments of the whole stories."

"There were only a few of you, no?"

"Correct." He confessed breathlessly he slightly reared his head. Though his body was here, his mind was somewhere else, somewhere far. He hummed something, murmuring under his breath.

"My first question." She demanded him bravely and with an unflinching will. Not many people could hold a normal conversation with him, considering his natural, or perhaps unnatural, disposition.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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