Chapter 12

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Two years later

Athanasios grabbed his hair in frustration, watching whatever he was looking at coming to play- it was disastrous. What in the world was compelling them to be this awful at something so SIMPLE!

"Alron... can you really not kick it straight?" Athanasios asked, calming, as he dropped his hands to his side, watching as the other servant boy, Loren, he dragged away from his work, went to get the ball that Alron kicked.

The boy Alron shamefully looked down at his feet, "Sorry, your highness..." the boy responded, having kicked it the wrong way for the tenth time. He thought he was starting to get used to it, but it seems not.

"It's fine... and I told you to stop calling me that. It gets annoying cause you're always saying it- in literally every sentence." Athanasios told him as he moved away from the boy moving toward Loren, who was running back.

"Sorry, your highness- um, sorry, my prince."

Athanasios stopped, scrunching his face, "My prince is no better- just call me Athanasios." He told the boy, who now had wide eyes at such a suggestion. Alron shook his head frantically, "I could never, your highness! I could get in trouble for that, and on top of it all, I'm supposed to be working in the gardens." Alron said solemnly.

"Your highness, can I kick it this time?" Loren asked as he finally approached them- thankfully, Loren was better than Alron. Athanasios couldn't help but miss football, and now he was stuck with two servant boys who refused to call him anything than your highness. He had to order them to play with him, as they were reluctant as he was royalty while they weren't even noble.

"Yeah, sure! I'll try to catch it this time... um, Alron, you can just watch, alright?" Athanasios said hesitantly, but it seemed Alron was happy with just that, not finding it all that fun. The boy would rather watch than actually participate and was glad to be involved. He had never had friends before, and the prince had called him his friend just the week before.

"Athan!" Athanasios heard someone call his name, though he knew who it was from the voice. It was, of course, his sister. She was towards him with such purpose. He raised his brow, seeing how serious she looked and how urgent the call of his name sounded.

"Athy? Are you alright?" He asked slowly as she finally made it to him. She didn't answer him straight away. Instead, she rested her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, and he just sighed as he waited for her to catch her breath.

"Blessings and Glory upon the second star of the Obelian Empire", Loren greeted her as he bowed, with Alron hastily following his lead, repeating what he said. Athanasia stared at them, confused for a second, before waving a hand, "Athan's friends don't need to do that!" she said cheerfully, smiling at them, making them both nervous and making Athanasios confused.

"Why are you going so red, Alron?" Athanasios asked. That only made him more flustered, "Um, sorry, your highness." Alron responded, and this time Athanasios didn't bother to correct him, seeing no point in it.

Seeing her brother's expression, Athanasia let out a giggle, "I came to ask for Volly!" Athanasia told him. He gave her a look of annoyance, "No." Athanasios flat out told her as he crossed his arms, glaring at his sister, who gasped.

"What...?" she said. She should have already known that would have been his answer, she too crossed her arms, glaring back at him silently, and Alron Loren watched awkwardly, unsure what to do. The only thing they could do was watch, not having the courage to dare question royalty.

Finally, Athanasia spoke again, this time slapping her hands together, pleading, "Please, Athan!"


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