Chapter 21: New Neighbours

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A couple of months went by, Violet was already one year old. I still couldn't believe how much she has grown. She sure loves to drives us crazy.

"Violet, no." I said.

She gave me a cheeky grin and throw a pile of magazines to the floor. I sighed. Chasing her little butt is no fun when all she does is chaos.

I laid on the floor and gave up on everything. I heard footsteps approaching the living room.

"Having fun?"

"Oh yeah." I blew air past my lips. He chuckled.

Violet. Walked towards me and then kissed my forehead. Then she walked over to Luke, and hugged his leg. He picked her and kissed her cheeks.

I got up and gave Luke, a kiss. "How was work?"

"Really great." He said as he pulled me to him. "Guess what?"


"I said guess." He kissed my forehead and then put Violet, on the floor.

"You bought me, a lemon pie."

"Close enough." He chuckled. "Once you graduate, you will get your dream bakery."

I gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, you deserve it. This is my, graduation gift. I'm telling you, so you can design it the way you want and decorate it too."

I jumped in his arms and kissed him. "Thank you so much, Luke."

"Anything for my wife." He smiled. "For a moment I thought you were going to decline it."

I giggled. "Never, this gift means a lot to me."

He was about to kiss me, when we heard, Violet, cry. Where did she go? We left her alone for 1 sec. We ran towards the crying and she was in the yard chasing a little golden retriever puppy.

I picked her up and hugged her. "I thought you hurt yourself."

She looked down at the puppy. Luke, picked the puppy and chuckled. "I'm guessing our furry friend, was just scared of a year old chasing him." Luke, lifted the puppy and then added, "my bad, is a she."

"Violet, this puppy is just a baby, like you. So she needs to be treated with respect and care."

Luke, brought the puppy closer and this time, Violet, was able to pet her.

"Does the puppy belong to someone?"

"Hello." We turned to see a girl with blue eyes and Brown hair. "She belongs to me. She's only, 3 months old."

"Here, sorry about our daughter chasing her." I apologized.

"It's okay, I got distracted, we just moved in today and I was busy and she got out of my sight." She said. "I'm Chloe Bellisario."

We shook hands with her, Luke handed her the puppy and Violet started to cry.

"Tell you what, our dog gave birth Three months ago and there's actually 8 puppies. You guys seem like nice people, so I'll let you keep her." She smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really. This little one, was drawn to your yard, so who am I, to stand in her way." She grinned. "Will you take care of her?" She asked Violet.

Violet, just smiled as she lightly hugged the puppy.

"I'll take that as a yes." She chuckled.

"Thank you." Luke said.

Another puppy enter the backyard and snuggled to my leg. I placed Violet on the floor and the puppies started to lick her face and then snuggled to her. She was giggling like crazy.

"Cutest, sight ever!" A young girl said. "I'm, Serena, her daughter."

We introduced ourselves and then she entered the backyard to play with, Violet, and the puppies.

"My pride and joy." Chloe chuckled as we did too.

"How old is, Serena?"

"Ten years old." A man said as he approached the fence and kissed Chloe. "I'm, Vince Bellisario, her husband."

"These are the Carters, Luke, Savannah and Violet down there." Chloe told her husband.

"Im guessing, those two are staying with you." He said as he looked at the puppies.

"If it's okay with you, we'd love to keep them." I added.

"Of course." Chloe smiled. "Alright, Serena, time to unpack, moving day still isn't over."

"Ah fudge." Serena sighed as she got up. "Bye little ones. I'll come play soon." She said bye to us and then return to her house.

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood, we should have lunch sometime and get to know each other. You're the first family I actually like. Previous ones, were snobby." I said to them.

They laughed.

"We know the feeling. But I have a feeling, we will like this neighborhood a lot." She smiled.

We said bye and then we entered our house. Life just got a bit chaotic. Three babies in the house. We gave Violet a bath and then read her a bedtime story. The puppies stayed in her room and wouldn't leave. We went to the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"Two furry babies and a human one " Luke chuckled.

"Good luck us." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder. "What did you think about the Bellisario's?"

"Nice people. But I feel like I've heard something about the Bellisario's." Luke added.

"Oh yeah, aren't all Bellisario's like badass and have like a shady thing going on?"

"You're right, they take out the bad ones. That's why the last name seemed familiar. Plus is not a common last name."

"I guess life got interesting for us with our new neighbours." I said as I slowly fell asleep.

I've been having a funny feeling all week. I hope it goes away.

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