"He's just hurt and confused." Stefan says to reassure Elena, wrapping an arm around her and rubbing her side.

"He's never going to forgive me for Vicki. For taking his memories away." Elena shakes her head and I can see tears threatening to fall down her eyes.

"He's your brother, he'll forgive you. Just give him a little time." Stefan smiles and Damon should take his advice.

It's been decades... they should forgive each other.


"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsomes escorts." Mrs. Lockwood announces, making everyone to cheer and clap their hands together.

I put on a fake smile and wave at everyone watching us. "This is fun." Damon whispers in my ear, causing shivers to go up and down my spine.

"Miss Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls." Mrs. Lockwood speaks through the mic, causing everyone to cheer louder and I look up to give Caroline a smile, she returns it with a wink as she looks in between Damon and I.

I look away with a sigh and notice Stefan with Elena, Bonnie standing right behind them. I can't help but to smile genuinely and wave at them. They smile back, Elena and Bonnie waving at me with a somewhat happy expression which turns into a glare as Damon waves at them.

"You look beautiful, you know?" Damon asks me, smiling and waving at the crowd as we move past them and watch the random people wave and cheer for us.

"I look like your ex, you mean." I snap back, not meaning to sound as harsh as I did but he doesn't reply as we keep waving and smiling at everyone on the street.


I walk out of the restroom and head towards the pool table where my sister and Stefan are standing but Damon walks in front of me, stopping me dead on my tracks.


"Hi..." I trail off awkwardly.

"Is this how we are now? Awkward around each other and acting like nothing is happening?" He questions, narrowing his eyes at me and I shrug, not sure what he wants me to say.

"I'm sorry?" I shrug.

"Why should you be sorry?!" He snaps at me with a somewhat angry look roaming around his eyes.

"I don't know. Okay? I just-. I have to go." I walk past him and spot Jeremy a few tables away from the pool table.

"Em." Jeremy breathes out with an annoyed look as I take a seat in front of him.

"Jer, I'm sorry about what happened. I tried to stop Elena. I can't change the past but I can amend the future. I'm truly sorry. You're my brother and I love you and I feel terrible because you got your memories taken away from you and that's selfish. Please, forgive us." I tell him in hope that he will accept my apology.

"I know it's not your fault. I read her journal. I know it was her idea. I'm mad at her, not at you." He tells me before standing up from the chair and walking away from me without letting me say anything else.

"Bon." I frown when she seats in front of me.

"Hey! How are you doing?" She smiles, reaching over the table to hold my hand on hers.

"I'm alright. Are you?" I question since Bonnie is acting a little bit strange.

"I still feel like a terrible friend. I shouldn't have shut you out. I should have been there for you and for your sister but... I just can't in their presence after what happened to grams." She says with sadness roaming in her eyes.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt