The Obsessive Scientist

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*3rd Pov-1:30 Pm-Z-City*

Y/N: So you gonna explain what happened here?

Y/N was currently standing in front of Saitama and a blond teenager, probably around his early 20's. They were bother surrounded by craters and blood. Y/N noticed what appeared to be the legs of some sort of animal, as well as bugs sliced in three.

Saitama: Oh hey.... Metal dude.

Y/N: My names Y/N. 

Saitama: Right... How'd you know where I lived.

Y/N: It wasn't that hard. Who's the kid?

Genos: My name is Genos, are you a disciple of Master Saitama as well?

Y/N: No...uh w're work Buddys. So are you two gonna explain what happened?

Genos began to give Y/N a rundown of the events that had just transpired. He noted the limbless gorilla laid against the wall. Y/N found out that he was armored gorilla, part of the house of evolution. He remembered the Association mentioning them before. As Y/N talked with Genos, he noticed that Genos was fully mechanical, and only had one human organ being his brain. 

Y/N: So now you both are on your way to confront this Doctor?

Genos: Indeed. You wouldn't happen to be S-Class Rank 17 Iron Man right?

Y/N: Thats me. Genos, just curious, how old are you?

Genos: I am 19.

Y/N: Only 19?!

Saitama: Hey are we going or not?

The duo rush after Saitama who was a little while ahead. Y/N turns back to Genos as he fly's next to him.

Y/N: Tell me more on the way.

*house of evolution*

Y/N, Genos, and Saitama had just arrived at the House of Evolutions headquarters. Genos had informed Y/N all about his past and how he became a cyborg. After their conversation Y/N offered to upgrade Genos with his own tech if he ever wanted, to which Genos agreed. As the group looked at the tall tower, Saitama estimated that the building was around 8 stories. Instead of listening, Genos used his blasts to destroy the building, and the two mountains behind it. Y/N was baffled at such power, while he could mimic it, it was still impressive.

Y/N: Theres a hatch over there. I don't think that a genius would have all his stuff in a tower. Lets head inside.

Y/N pried the door off before the trio entered underground. Y/N's arc reactor illuminated the path as they continued walking. Y/N's hud highlighted two incoming life signals. Y/N braced for attack.

Y/N: Two incoming life signals. Get ready.

As Y/N and Genos prepared themselves, they saw what appeared to be a gigantic beetle charging at them.

Kabuto: There are three of them, which one is it?!?!

Genus: The bald one.

Kabuto: In that case I don't need the other two!

As Kabuto reached the trial, he slammed Genos into a wall, and attempted to repeat with Y/N, however, his hand was stopped by an invisible shield. As Kabuto looked at the Iron hero, his face was that of confusion. Y/N only crossed his arms and informed Kabuto of what had just happened.

Y/N: This shield is strong enough to stop even some of the strongest blunt force attacks. It's also capable of expanding and shutting down nearby electronics as a sort of EMP. Sorry beetle dude, you aren't breaking it.

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