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    Ron was walking along the corridor after finishing the funeral of his grandmother. He was feeling hell tired yet his heart didn't wish to take rest. He decided to take a walk and proceeded towards garden. After a walk of about 15 minutes he sat on the nearby bench and closed his eyes to feel some peace. That's when he felt someone's presence beside. Unwillingly he opened his eyes only to be met with his grandfather's. He caressed Ron's head waiting for him to open up. After what felt like eternity Ron decided to share his feelings with his grandfather. He started speaking and his grandfather kept on listening to him all the while patting his head. Soon Ron fell asleep. When he woke up he found himself on his bed in his room surrounded by his worried parent. He wondered what happened. All he could remember was he, talking to his grandfather in the garden. He had no idea how he ended up here.

He had many questions in his mind which he obviously voiced out.

Ron: "Mom where is grandpa?" Instead of getting an answer he got his mother's tears as a reply. When he looked up at his father he gave a sad look and left the room. When he was about to shoot his next question, he was cut off by his mother who exited his room after telling him that she would bring something for him to eat. With confusion clouding on his mind, he lied back on his bed closing his eyes. Feeling someone's caressing on his hair his eyes shot open and his grandfather was standing near his bed.

Ron: "Where were you grandpa? How did I come here when I was with you in the garden." But all he got was a gentle smile as an answer. He kept on questioning him when he heard his door being opened. He turned to see who it was and found it to be his mother with his lunch. When he turned back he didn't find his grandfather beside him. He was now hell confused. He again asked the same question to his mother.

Ron: "Mom where is grandpa? His mom could do nothing but to leave a defeated and gloomier sigh.

Mom: "Ron, I could understand how much you love your grandpa. But you have to accept the truth that he is no more. Please try to accept the truth dear. That will be the best for all."

Ron: "But mom how could you say that he is dead when he is very much alive?" His voice was a bit louder this time. His mom didn't know how to console him.

Mom: "Wait I let your grandma to speak to you so that you will accept the truth " She said and left him alone to ponder over his thoughts. After few minutes his grandma entered his room shocking him to the core. He felt someone shook and took the hell out of him.

Granny: "Ron are you okay son?" She was hell worried for his grandson.

Ron: "Grandma how come you here? Few hours before weren't you" He was cut short.

Granny: "Yes dear few hours before I was in hospital as I fainted. So I couldn't attend your grandpa's funeral. But why did you go there dear. It might affect your innocent mind and heart" She was speaking out of concern. On the other hand, Ron was hell confused upon what was happening around him. He was unable to make the head and tail out of the situation. Unable to bear the intensity, he shouted.

Ron: "Will anyone tell me what the hell is happening around me?" His grandma flinched at his outburst yet she patted his head. He unknowingly laid his head on her lap.

Granny: "Ron, yesterday night your grandfather passed away. Today his funeral took place and you even attended it. Now you get it?"

Ron: "But grandma I saw grandpa at the garden a while ago before I fell asleep"

Granny: "What are you blabbering my child? Since you returned from the funeral you are in your room. Upon hearing your shouts, your mom and dad came to see you. After that they send me to see you. Are you okay Ron?" Not knowing what to answer, he just nodded his head.

Ron: "I want to sleep for sometime"

Granny: "Sure but eat your lunch before you sleep"

He nodded and she left the room. Ron took the plate and started having his lunch. After completing it he was about to lie down when something near his window caught his attention. Involuntarily he looked up at the clock which showed SHARP 6.00 PM. He gulped and reached the window to know what it was. He opened the window and immediately cold wind embraced him. Although it was cold he felt an unknown warmth. After standing for few minutes, he closed the window and turned towards his bed and saw his grandfather lying on his bed. His face paled at the site. Without his knowledge, his legs took him towards his bed. Upon seeing him his grandfather sat up from bed horrifying him.

Grandpa: "Come here Ron" He shook his head vigorously making the old man sigh. "I could understand your turmoil child. But for once please listen to me" The old man pleaded. Ron now moved towards his grandfather who gestured him to sit beside him.

Grandpa: "Before my death I wanted to give you something Ron"

Ron: "You knew that you were going to die?" He asked horrified. Grandfather just nodded his head. "But how?"

Grandpa: "I am not supposed to say that Ron. Now listen to me very carefully. In my room at the farthest corner, there is a small drawer. You know that right?" Ron nodded. "That contains something which belongs to you. Take that and keep it safe. That's the only thing that I could give you my dear. If not now you might need that in future. Try to keep it as a secret and safeguard it my boy. Now I am leaving. Take care and you will always have my blessings with you. Bye my child"

Saying this he disappeared into a white smoke. Ron sat still registering what happened few minutes ago. After realization dawned, he rushed towards his grandfather's room and began his search. After what felt like ages he found out the drawer. Carefully locking the door, he opened the drawer to see the possession his grandfather left for him. He saw scroll wrapped in a silk cloth and took it out hurriedly. In the process, A SMALL CHIT FELL DOWN WHICH WENT UNNOTICED BY HIM. He opened the scroll and viewed it only to get disappointed. He could see something was written there, but couldn't comprehend what it was. Even after spending hours, he was not able to solve THE MYSTERY. Fed up, he decided to leave the room when THE SMALL CHIT caught his attention. He took it and read it.

His face showed an expression which no one could figure it out what was that. Both the chit and scroll fell from his hands and he looked at his grandpa's photo hanging on the wall. It seemed to smile at him which was reciprocated by him. With a contended smile, he kept THOSE THINGS back in its places and left the room. His grandmother who witnessed all this smiled while wiping away her tears.

What he thought to be a mystery became his answer as well as HIS GUIDE! Wisdom from his grandfather and the assurance that his grandfather would always be there for  him no matter what.

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