Chapter 3 "embarrassment"

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Its time for lunch. I take out my bento from my bag. Its wrapped very nicely. I place it on my desk ready to eat alone like usual, or my bullies taking my food because they dont have their own food apperently. "You still here?" I look up with a suprised look and the new girl is still here for some reason. "...y-yeah" i say. Wait why am i stuttering? My face is heating up again..."Lets go to the courtyard together, its very sunny today so it would probobly be nice to go outside" she says with a...shining smile. I nod and get out of my seat slowly. Am i really agreeing to this? The girl walks before me as i walk behind. I've never eaten out in the courtyard before. I didnt expect her to invite me out when she could easily have asked someone else. "Oh! I forgot to tell name is Tomoe Udagawa, its nice to meet you" She says. Tomoe Udagawa...a fitting name. She really is a blessing. "You too..." I mumble. Oh no, do i seem like i dont like her? Why cant i say more then that!? Why cant i say my name? "Lets sit over there" Tomoe says. I nod and follow her. We sit down on a bench in the courtyard. I glance at her before unwrapping my bento. Inside i didnt have much more then some white rice, miso soup and milk. Not the best i'd say but i guess. "That miso soup looks really good, can we trade? I have some octodogs" Tomoe says. Why would she want to trade? I doubt my miso soup looks THAT good...those octodogs look tasty though. Maybe i should trade. " you go" I say as i give Tomoe my bowl of miso soup. While she gives me her octodogs. I hold out my hands as she does so and her hands touch mine...her skin is so soft. Like...a plushie. Her nails are really well taken care of. Her hands are also firm. Wait am i thinking weirdly about her again? I seriously have to stop. I place the octodogs inside my bento. "Did...did you make these yourself?" I ask. Tomoe nods and gives me a big smile. "I always make my lunch myself, if you'd like we can make lunch together sometime" Tomoe says. My face is heating up again...whats wrong with me today? Do i have a fever? "O-of course! I'd love to!" Did i really just shout that at her? Shes gonna think im so weird. "I like your enthusiasm, oh i forgot to ask your name earlier" Tomoe says. I feel embarrassed again that i didnt introduce myself to her earlier. "My name is...Y/N" I say. I wonder why Tomoe keeps smiling at me...i dont deserve her smile. Ugh i should stop! I start eating my food quickly to get rid of these thoughts. "Thats a really pretty name, dont eat so fast you'll get a stomach ache!" Tomoe says in a serious tone. I stop eating fast but i get hiccups! Oh no this is even more an embarrassment. "Here drink some water, it might help" Tomoe gives me a glass of water. When i grab it from her hands i get one of my hiccups and spill the water all over Tomoe. No no no no no! I ruined everything...shes going to yell at me im sure. My eyes start tearing up. I get up and run off from all the embarrassment. My food even spills on the ground. Why do i have to be this way? Why cant i be normal? This is why i dont have friends...i run into the bathroom and lock myself inside a stall...once again. I curl up on the toilet seat and cry and cry and cry. The rest of the lunch break i cry. It feels like hours. I cant face Tomoe after this. Eventually i get out of the stall. I wash my face to hide that i just cried. My bullies would laugh at me. The whole class would. As i whipe my face i start biting my lip. The tears just wanted to continue falling but i cant cry in class. I wander off to my classroom. I dont want to face Tomoe so i try to not look in her direction. Im never getting any friends after this...i sit down in my seat and wait for class to start. Somehow...even after what happend...i expect Tomoe to say something. But she didnt.

(Fun fact: Tomoe means blessing in japanese) -Cat

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