Chapter 1 "unlucky"

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I hear the bell ring. Class starts soon...but in stuck inside a bathroom stall! You might be confused and think its sooo funny that i got stuck here but its not. A few girls in my class pushed me in here and somehow locked the stall from the outside. Earlier they pushed my head under the water tap so my hair, face and my shoulders are weat. They threw away my glasses into a trash can so they... hopefully they are fine. But its very blurry. Too bad i dont get to see the new student today...but all the girls are the same. The ones i know here atleast. Mean bullies or they dont care about anything. Like they arent cool at all! It annoys me so much. Im just going to hope that someone comes in here soon. I curl up on the toilet seat while waiting. I doubt anyone is going to be here soon.

The last lesson has already passed... isnt anyone coming in here? I continue waitng...and waiting...and suddenly i hear the door open. I try to stand on the toilet seat to see who it is but i only saw some brown hair. I get down from the seat. "Hey! Im stuck here, help!" I say and hit my fist against the stall door. I hear a sqeak that sounds like they were suprised. I hear them stepping closer. "Uh... seriously?" They ask. "Yes can you help me out?" I ask. The girl turns some lock on the outside and opens the stall. "School is over, why are you here?" They ask. I walk past. "I dont want to talk about it" I say while walking away. I hurry downstairs to the lockers by the entrance. On the way i bump into somebody. They seem to be much taller then me. "S-sorry" I mumble. I look up and see the face of a girl with red hair. Her eyes...have some sort of glow to them.  Her smile...was so bright. I notice that i was staring at her! Oh no shes probobly super annoyed by me...i blush and start walking away from her. I feel piercing eyes in my back... probobly because shes so annoyed that i was staring. I quicken my pace as i leave the school. This day was uneventful like usual. Something similar is most likely going to happen tomorrow.

(Sorry for making these so short, but hopefully the story will be enjoyable) -Cat

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