chapter 3

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Warning: umbrella academy season one spoilers kinda(barely)

2nd person pov:
Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk on the edge of the cliff, Elon struggling to not fall off but just as Mark was about to push him off and win the fight, Five Hargreeves jumps through a portal looking thing. You peeked from the side of the tree and look to see what's going on.

"Who are you? " Mark says and let's go of Elon to walk up to Five. "That's none of your business" Five responds while giving him a fake smile. "Why are you here anyways" Elon replys staring Five in the eyes while copying his fake smile Five had given him before. Five then starts explaining some science stuff no one understood, well, except for you. You understood every one of his words because you were so smart and quirky.

Everyone looked at him confused until you shyly stepped out from behind the tree. "i-i understand." Everyone looked at you confused because no one knew you were there listening to their conversation this whole time.

"What did you say?" Five asked motioning for you to continue. "I said.... " you hesitated should I really trust him? I mean I don't even know him. I don't know what he's doing here. And I don't know what im about to- "I understand" you saying those words snapped yourself out of your head. "wow okay I don't know how you understand I'm so confused" Mark says blinking rapidly because he does that when he's confused. You think it's kinda cute.

you slowly walk up to Elon and grab him by his collar. "Why..... Just why" you stuttered as you blinked back tears "why would you try to steal Mark from me." you asked as one tear fell down your cheek. "B-because he's....." Elon smiled maniacally "MINE." He yelled as he grabbed a knife out of his pocket and stabbed you in the stomach slowly. You start to choke on your own blood gasping for air. Five spacial jumps away because he has a family meeting to attend. Mark falls to his knees not knowing what to do. Elon fastly pulls the knife out of your stomach and you fall to the ground and faint.

385 words

Mark Zuckerberg x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now