chapter 5 °

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schools over and you have to head right to your game. you get there and go into the changing rooms to change and get back out. everyones making their way onto the bleachers until you see dj, the waltons dad. you thought nothing of it because hes probably there to just train. the game starts and you werent feeling that well but you still managed to play pretty well. it ended up being a tie and you were so over playing, you just wanted to sleep. you're running back to the bleachers and there you see him, again. why is he always where you are!

your pov
hes such a creep why does he keep following me everywhere i go.. a cute creep. y/n get yourself together hes just some player trying to get into your pants.

you see your dad talking to dj and you hear the word "family dinner"
y/n: "huh what family dinner"
lela: "the waltons are coming to our house for dinner tomorrow"
y/m: "stop complaining! they're coming either way"

ugh could your life get any worse.
you get your clothes and walk back to the car when jaden gets to your side and says "see you at that family dinner ;)"
his smug face annoys you so much. why is he so full of himself..

what's gonna happen tomorrow at the dinner and the game on Wednesday..😵

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