chapter 1 °

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your dad wakes up on a sunny weekend because it's your baseball game! you're competing against the wolves which literally your teams worst enemy. you get dressed and your family go to the game. your 1 out of 2 girls that play baseball for your team. everyone gets in line and gets their stuff ready to watch the match.

your pov:
oh yeah theres this guy that plays for wolves who's literally only popular because of his brother. hes so full of himself i dont understand how people like him

everyone gets in line and you start playing. its your turn to bat and you get really anxious. you bat the first time and run.
your mom and sister are cheering. you bat for the last person and get a home run which leads you to winning for your team!! your team comes up to hug you along with your dad. you get ready to go home and cool off a little bit when you see jaden from the wolves wink at you smug.
in your head you're like ew.
y/n: "yeah it was disgusting"
lela: "didn't you say he was cute"
y/n: "2 years ago dont even"

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