☁️Confession Quotes☁️

Start from the beginning

Bunny: Bunny has a hard time expressing her feelings, so it was difficult for her to express her love for you. One morning, she had left an anonymous note with flowers on your doorstep. The letter read, "Hello, this is your secret admirer. I am leaving these flowers for you because I have feelings for you (I think). Sincerely, your secret admirer" and had a scribbled-out picture on the left-hand corner. Afterwards, roughly a week later, a note lay face down on one of the steps. It was blank except for one word that read, "Bunny." Bunny had visited your house a day later, claiming to be the secret admirer and handing you a box of chocolates with a [Insert Favorite Flower] on the top. She quickly ran away, not bothering to look back, and headed home. Bunny called you soon after, talking for hours on end. The next day, however, she visited once again, spending the night. In the morning, once you both woke up, Bunny grabbed both of your hands and rubbed them soothingly, a pink tint dusting her cheeks. "Are we a thing now, [Y/N]?"

Billy: Billy's confession was not all that interesting and was simply put. He invited you over to his workplace while he was on his break, offering you a [Insert Favorite Drink]. Billy sparked up a conversation, talking about modern topics such as how your day was going, what you planned to do that day, etc. 10 minutes passed, and it was almost time for him to go back to work. Billy slowly put down his drink and took a deep breath, shuffling closer towards you. Looking into your eyes, he softly whispered, "I forgot to tell you before, but I love you, [Y/N]. Do you love me back?" Silently waiting for an answer, Billy quietly interlaced his fingers with yours and after you had accepted, he squeezed your hand tightly and locked you in a strong hug, stroking your back soothingly. he couldn't stop thinking about you after he went back to work.

Budgey: Budgey is the romantic type and had set up a dinner just for you at her house. She had a speech ready for you, holding your hand through it all. Of course, before she got cheesy, you both enjoyed the meal she had made, and it was basically the best meal you'd ever had; Budgey has great cooking skills. Afterwards, she cleaned up the dinner and took you to her couch, sitting you down and placing your hand in hers. It was a long speech, explaining how much gratitude she has for you and how she would be over the moon if you stayed with her for the rest of time. Taking a breath, it finally ended with a "I love you so much, [Y/N]. I hope you feel the same way..." As you accepted, she caressed your cheek and softly kissed your forehead, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. She made sure to visit your house with [Insert Favorite Food] every day. 

Bela: As you may have guessed, Bela thought that it would be a fun idea to pull a few magic tricks on you. She had invited you to the place where she used to work, cooking up a wonderful dinner full of [Insert 1st Favorite Food], [Insert 2nd Favorite Food], and [Insert 3rd Favorite Food] with a [Insert Favorite Drink] for you to enjoy while she performs. Before you arrived, she had also decorated the rusted down, abandoned building into what it used to look like full of bright string lights and torches lining the walls, illuminating the building. While you enjoyed your dinner, she performed a multitude of different tricks such as ball tricks, the dove act, the death saw, the knife swallowing trick, the money changing trick, and at the end, she did the most classic magic trick of all, but with a small twist. After about an hour of performing tricks and amazing you continuously, she stepped off of the stage and took a hat from behind her back, swirling a magic wand and offering the hat to you for you to grab something inside. what you pulled out what a delicately wrapped letter with a small heart sticker holding the envelope closed, a small [Insert Favorite Flower], and a small box of chocolates. The letter was a very long note that explained how much she loved you from the bottom of her heart and how she wanted you to become her one and only (pretty basic huh). She had driven you home and gave you one final passionate kiss before heading home. She texted you all night after that.

Bakari: Bakari was confident and quite excited to tell you the news the moment he knew he fell in love with you. He took no time in hesitating and immediately called you, practically screaming into the speaker telling you that he loved you. Quickly after, not giving you the chance to respond, Bakari hung up the phone and gathered a ton of gifts and sweets from a store and kicked down your door, piling the gifts on top of you asking if you liked them. Bakari had insisted to feed you the candies he had gotten you and cleaned up the mess he created, although he pretty much just stuffed everything in one of your cabinets. He was too invested in the thought of spending all of his time and love on you to pay attention to anything else he was doing. After his adrenaline rush had died down, he had climbed into bed with you and cuddled you, falling asleep within minutes. Bakari, when in an exciting or high-energy situation, he generally does not take others opinions into consideration, but if he is calm, he is the total opposite. Once he woke up the next day, he apologized plenty of times and had correctly organized the gifts he had gave to you, handing you plushies to put on your bed to, as he claims, "remind you of him". Bakari then asked if he could stay at your place for one more day before going home the next day. He then made it a tradition to always text you at approximately 9:00 at night before he went to bed to make sure you knew that he loved you dearly. 

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