☁️Confession Quotes☁️

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Requested By: RainierStormX

Angel Piggy: Angel had left a small note on your doorstep, decorated with one of your favorite flowers. The note had detailed paragraphs explaining how much they appreciated you and asked you if you would like to go somewhere special with them. They took you to their house to play board games and watch movies while awaiting nighttime. It was about 11:00 at night when Angel brought you to the roof of the house, admiring the large moon in the sky illuminate the houses and trees with a white glow. Resting their head on your shoulder and enclosing you in a soft wing, they cherished the moment as long as they could, holding your hand tightly. After a long while, Angel lifted you off the roof onto the ground, leaving a small kiss on your forehead before returning back above the clouds.

Archie: Archie took a long period of time before actually confessing, but it wasn't the prettiest. He brought you somewhere secluded where no one could ruin the moment for him, but once he finally came face to face with you though, he felt like he was suffocating. He couldn't talk nor breathe, the lump in his throat getting larger as he tried to explain his feelings to you, red in the cheeks. After about 5 minutes of clearing his throat and tightly gripping the dead rose he brought, Archie decided to give everything up. He tore apart the rose out of anger and embarrassment, a single tear running down his cheek, he headed to leave. That was until a firm hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, stroking his fur slowly in an effort to comfort him. Archie slowly relaxed in your warm embrace, forgetting everything and only focusing on your steady breathing. Soon after, apologizing profusely, he handed you what was left of the rose in disappointment of what he had done. It was enough to satisfy you though, and even if the confession was pathetic, it still earned him a lifetime with his one and only.

Alfis: Completely calm, he is always the type to remain relaxed in most situations. Grabbing your hand, he came up with a sweet confession to express his love for you. It had gotten quite tense afterwards as he waited for your response, but he would have accepted any response you gave him. He is not the type that gets sensitive or overly obsessive if it's a reject. Of course, you accepted as Alfis caressed your cheek softly and softly kissed your forehead. Spending quality time with his new significant other, Alfis spent all day running his fingers through your hair and hugging you tightly, kissing the top of your head. He can't imagine a day without you.

Beary: Beary didn't confess himself, he patiently waited for you instead. He refused every opportunity, feeling embarrassed and couldn't bear to think of the possibilities and negative outcomes. Months passed, but Beary still waited. It was a bright, sunny afternoon when you offered him a cup of coffee and chatted for a while before reaching into your back pocket, slipping it onto his desk secretly. Not long after you left to go home, he noticed the small slip of paper. It had a phone number on it. Beary texted you immediately when he got home, feeling a series of emotions when you told him how you felt. He never left your side afterwards and gave you everything you could've wanted.

Badgy: Rejection is his top fear, and he never said anything because of it. Badgy was honestly scared of falling in love, and when he finally realized that he had fallen for you, he immediately reassured himself that it wasn't true. Badgy simply refused to approach you under any circumstance. You had visited the plant yourself, bringing in a bouquet of flowers and asking him out. He was beyond happy, squeezing your hand tightly and grabbing the bouquet of flowers. Of course, since it was in the middle of his shift at work, you had to go home. But afterwards, Badgy visited your house and found a fancy restaurant he wanted to bring you to. You both had a great dinner eating various amounts of delicious treats and plates full of your favorite foods. He began to bring you somewhere new every Wednesday, making sure to try something new and overall have a good time.

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