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Start from the beginning

"Hey Brea, you okay?" I hear padme say in the back of my mind.
I loose my balance and fall on the hard tile, someone's hand bracing my head. As my vision fades I see a pair of concerned blue eyes staring into mine and that was that last thing I saw.
Padmes POV
"Please Obi wan, I-"
"Padme, even if I wanted to I'd still have to convince the Order to let me do it and they are so keen to adjusting the rules as I am plus I already have a padwan no way would they just give me another, Anakin is a handful"

"She needs to be trained Obi wan. She needs o learn how to control her emotions, her feelings, and her thoughts. She's been through dark times and it's how I knew she carried the force. Obi, I just got word that her parents have been killed by a bounty hunter looking for her. It's only a matter of time before they find her here, and if and when they do and she's not trained, how will she stand against that?"

"Okay you're right, I will go spe-"
"Obi wan Kenobi. Two Padawans you will have"
Obi wan turns to looks at the voice, there Master Yoda stands. 

"But master, don't we have to consult with the council first?"
"Mhmmm well will you do with Brea Galen. Force is strong with this one. When awake she is, inform her. Bright future she has."
Yoda ends and leaves the room

"Did he really just say that?" I asked shocked
"I guess he did, how am i going to balance the two?"
"Brea is nothing compared to Ani, trust me. You'll do just fine Obi wan. Now I'm going to go grab some food, I will be back"
Obi nods his head and I walk out of the room Anakin in pursuit at my heels.

"Nothing compared to Brea? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm surprised you stayed quiet as long as you did ani"
"Well if I would have butted in, I would have heard about it all night long from Obi wan. Plus I think it'll be fun training with Brea, I'll probably beat her at sparring tho" Anakin says proudly

"Oh really? She's a lot tougher than you think. She trains with the guards back at home. For fun. I think you'll be surprised is what she's capable of" I say giving him a smirk. He just gives a light laugh and I nudge him with him arm with a smile.

Brea's POV
As I start to come to, my eyes are blinded my the lights of the room. Grimacing as I start to sit up I get the air knocked out of me by the pain I feel in my back. Letting out a yell.
"Hey hey hey take it easy, you experienced quite the fall. Here lay back down" a man says
Hands slowly help me lay back down as I catch my breath. Once my eye adjust fully I look to my right to see a familiar pair of blue eyes.

"Who are you?" I say
"Oh hello, I'm Obi Wan Kenobi, your master"
"My master. Sorry I'm still so out of it. What's going on? If your my master than that makes me your?"
"Padawan. You are my Padawan Brea Galen, I will be teaching you the ways of the force"
"Wait the council agreed to have me trained!?"
He let out a light chuckle
"Yes, Padme is very good with persuading, you have her to thank"
"Ah that's not surprising, we'll it's good to meet you Obi Wan Kenobi. If you don't mind I would like some help to sit up a little bit more"
"Oh yes of course, let me help."

He wraps one arm around my back and another under my legs and picks me up and sets me down in a seating position
"Sorry my apologies"
"No no it's okay, just in pain"
Once I'm comfortable I sigh in relief
"How long will this last?"
"The medicine should start healing you soon, shouldn't take longer after that. You will be sore for a few days but nothing too unbearable"
"Okay perfect"
"So where are you from?" He asks taking a seat in the chair next to my bed
"Alderaan. My family is there now. I want to go back there so badly but with everything going on it's not safe, especially because I don't know the ways of the force yet. It would be too risky"
"Ah i see, there's actually something I wanted to tell you, your-"

I turn my head from Obi wan to see Padme rushing into the room slowing down to give me a hug
"I'm so glad you're awake! Im sorry I wasn't here when you woke up"
"It's okay, I had Obi Wan to keep me company. I was actually just telling him about my home and family on Alderaan."
Immediately her face fell and the room went quiet. She looked over to Obi wan, I followed her line of vision and he was looking at me
"What's going on? Padme? You're scaring me. Is my family okay?"
"Brea I'm so sorry, a bounty hunter went looking for you and in result of not finding you or getting information from your parents, he killed them"
My heart dropped

"So my parents are gone?"
"Yes, Brea I'm so sorry"
"Can i be left alone for a while? Please?"
They all look at me with a worried expression but nodded. As they get up to leave Obi wan is the last out, he turned around to look back at me. Eyes locked. His lips mouthed "I'm sorry" and I wanted nothing more than for him to come back in the room but just like that he left.
Once I woke up from a much needed nap. I felt okay. I know I'm where I need to be and I know my parents are still with me through the force. As much as I want to be mad. I just can't. Moving out of bed I realize I'm still in my clothes, covers in debris but I don't have the motivation to change. Feeling super sore I stretch my body out. I walk to the window and am taken aback at how beautiful the city is at night. So peaceful. I put my shoes on and head out the door. After many twists and turns and asking droids for directions I made it outside. The air hitting my skin was refreshing. The air is definitely not as fresh as Naboo's but it's better than nothing. I decide to take a walk and explore a bit. As I wander down the streets I find a club. I've never been to a club. I guess there's a first time for everything. I go inside and I'm amazed, so many different kinds of people and aliens. I walk over to the bar to get a drink.

"What would you like miss?" A lady with green skin asked
"Jawa Juice please" I say and sit down on the stool
A few minutes later she hands me my drink
"Thank you" I give her a smile
"What are you doing here?"
I turn to see Obi wan standing behind me. Arms crossed
"I could as you the same thing" I say turning back to my drink
He sat down beside me

"There was an attack on Padme. She is okay but we traced her bounty hunter into here. Anakin is looking around. I came to get a drink and saw you, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here cause I wanted fresh air but that's not really a given in a place like this so I just decided to explore and ended up at this lovely club. Never been to one before"
He nods at me laughing a bit. Than the waitress brings him two shot glasses full of blue liquid. He slides one my way.

"Are you okay?" He asks

I smile at him

"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay, my parents did everything they could to protect me. They want me happy more than anything so that's what I'm going to do and be. I'm gonna stay happy for them. Live for them. As much as I want to hate whoever did this, hate only made me suffer in the past and I won't go down that road again. I really believe that being trained by you is gonna be very rewarding" I give him another smile and he returns one as well.

His smile
It could cure anything
And his eyes,

We then take our shots together.
"Wow what is this?" I say taken aback
"I have no idea. But it helps" he sets down the glass and in no time he pulls out his saber and cuts off the arm of a woman.
"Found your bounty hunter I presume" I say a bit in shock of what just happened.
He just looks at me and smirks. He goes over and helps her up
"Easy. Jedi business. Go back to your drinks" Anakin says and I follow the two outside.
Song: Lady like by Ingrid Andreas

I hope you enjoyed this! Can't wait to share the rest of the story with you

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