Chapter 2

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* Back in New York*

Jackie P.O.V

I sat in the dojo meditating until I had a vision of Casey.

"(sigh) i hope your ok Casey "


"Jones we gotta go" my long time friend Austin said after the survivor alarm went off. I stud up and walk to him quietly and seriously.

" What is it now" I asked

"Kraang prime forgot to ooze one part of the city and sensei wants us to check for survivors and bring them to HQ ."

"Ugh why cant Miwa do it" I said angerly putting on my uniform on.

" You had a vision of Casey again didn't you."

"Yea so ......" I said tying my shoes "and don't say its a sign"

"Well it is ja..."

"Don't Austin we looked all over NYC and hes no where to be found"

"He could be where we're going "

" I doubt it Austin but lets go before the Kraang get there" I said walking out of the dojo.

"Why are you thinking so negative. He might be there. Don't give up hope"

" Listen Austin the kraang took my dad most likely they took Casey too"

" Do not give up hope young-one. The last I saw Casey Jones he was with my son's . You will find your family Jacqueline-san " Sensei told me with his hand on my shoulder

" (sigh) lets go and get the survivor and take them to HQ."

Time skip with the survivors

" Looks like the kraang are coming we have to move fast" Austin told me and the team

"Okay we're going to need you all to follow Kai and be very quiet ok" I told the survivors. I turnaround to tell Austin something but i felt something pulling on my jeans. I look down and see a little girl around the age of 5.

"Excuse me miss. I'm scared and I cant find my big brother." She looked like she was going to cry.

"There you are Jas I was looking for you.Sorry did she bother you."

"No she didn't .... um if you don't me asking where are your parents?" I asked the older brother

"They turned into the purple people." his little sister Jas told me . Her brother covered her ears

"They(there parents) attacked us and then we found this place" He took his hands off her ears. She looked like she header him and she was about to cry. I bent down to her height and said.

"Hey look at me(I said sweetly) I wont let ANYTHING happen to you or your brother ." I said with a smile

"*sniff-sniff* you promise"

"I promise cross my heart and hope to die"and with that they both hugged me

"Thank you miss..." her brother asked

"Call em Jay"

"Thank you Jay....I'm Eric and I'm 7."

"No problem kiddo lets go before the kraang get here"

We finally get everyone in the van disguised as a kraange van. Jas fell asleep on my lap while Eric fell asleep on my shoulder. Its funny they remind me of me and Casey. Man I really miss that dork.He might have been a pain but hes my family.

"Sorry we didn't find him" Austin told me with one hand on my other shoulder

"Its fine really sensei said he might be with his son's"

"Yea I know I just feel bad" And that's were I stopped him

"Hey don't its not your fault its mine" I said looking down

"Jay....." he stopped talking because the van arrived to HQ.

"Hey Austin can you carry Eric please i got Jasmine" I said picking her up.

"Yea sure" Austin said while picking up Eric. Austin and I made sure everyone was out of the vans and inside HQ.

"Jay where do we put them ." Austin asked looking at Eric and Jasmine .

"Ummm..." I looked around to see every extra room and bed was taken.

"My room come on" Austin put Eric on one side of my bed and Jas on the other then I put a blanket on both of them.

" Where are you going to sleep?" Austin asked while looking at me

"I'm not going to bed yet I have some work to do" I said taking off my jacket.

"Work Work Work ....... don't you ever relax"

"Answer me this question.... do you see the kraange relaxing?" I told him with a strength face.

"Well goodnight I guess" he said walking out my door.

"Night Austin" I said while closing my door and going to the work shop.

I hope you guys enjoy the story so far . Don't forget to tell me your favorite part or any predictions you have on whats going to happen.

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