
53 26 3

Trigger Warning: None!
Characters: Skelly and Heathen
Summary: Skelly and Heathen try cooking dinner, but let's just say they have a hard time reading instructions.
Word Count: 382

"No, Skelly, we need to keep at high and wait until it boils," Heathen quickly tried to stop Skelly from straight up pouring the pasta in. He was beginning to regret agreeing to teach the halloween-themed ego how to cook spaghetti. "Just- Let me do it, okay? Just stand back and watch."

Skelly moved back and, like Heathen wanted, merely watched as the younger yet a tad bit more responsible ego let the water boil. However, that didn't last. "Heathen, I'm bored, why do we have to watch it boil when we can just dump the pasta in?" Clearly, he just wanted chaos, and the teal-blue-themed ego wasn't having it.

With a sigh, Heathen kept Skelly back as he watched for the water to boil. "Skelly, we are making this for us and the others, please don't get upset with me over this," The ego politely tried to order the halloween-themed ego. He wanted this to be perfect, but Skelly made this hard. "I'll let you dump the pasta when I see bu-"

The ego was interrupted by sauce being thrown at his head, and when he looked over, all the ego saw was Skelly was the jar of sauce. The jar was open and a spoon was in the older ego's hand, which was enough evidence to say Skelly did it. "Did- Did you just-" Heathen was yet again interrupted by sauce being thrown at him.

"Hell yeah I did! I'm bored, Heathen," Skelly complained before he went to close the jar up. When he did, dry pasta was thrown at him. Of course, like Heathen, the halloween-themed ego looked up to see Heathen with a box of pasta. "Oh fuck you, you're going to get it now," He opened the jar back up and proceeded to dump it on the other ego. "Ha ha, your outfit is rui-"

More pasta was thrown at Skelly, making him gasp. "Oh just you wai-" The sound of the door opening interrupted them, meaning the others were home. "Oh we're so in trouble, help me clean this up, Heathe-" And just like that, the other was gone, leaving Skelly alone with pasta and sauce on the floor for him to clean alone. "Hethean!" He yelled as he ran to follow where the other went.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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