T.R are you satisfied? Pt.2

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Tom pov: it been two weeks without y/n I been trying to get over her but I just can't

She always supported me,loving me,worried about me,actually caring about me

And I had to fuck everything up I miss her so much I realise she was the happiness in my life now I don't want to work on dark Magic I want her,I have to get her back

I want to the great hall I saw her,since the we broke up she look sad I hate seeing her like this
I need to fixed this

Y/N pov: it been two weeks since we broke up I been sad since then he betrayed me I tough he love me I guess he love more power then is lover

I'm in the great hall I saw him since the break he look lost I don't know what happened to him he the one who choose power over me

He came over to were I been sitting why suddenly he came over and asked

"Can we talk?" He asked
"Why?" I asked with no emotional in my voice
" please"  he never beg to people
"Whatever" I said getting up
We want to a empty classroom then he starts taking
"Y/n I really sorry"
"You think you can just come over and say sorry and then everything back to normal ?!"
"Y/n I I will change please"
"No you won't!"
"I will I promise" he say
"How could I treats you?,you choose power over me y you cheat on me because you wanted power" I say with tears in my eyes

"I'm sorry but then I understand that I don't need power I need you! I need you with every day I need you by my side all the time I love you"

"How could I trust you?" I say

"I get your trust again please just give one more chance I promise I will stop using dark magic I will treat you better then before"

"I just I could give you one more chance" I said

He smiled so big he want to kiss me but I pushed him back
"I don't mean we back together" I told him

"Ok we take in slow" he say with a little smile


I guess I'm crazy for give him another chance...


So there were request for pt 2 ☺️

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Bye loves💗

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