CHAPTER 55- Because you're mine!

Start from the beginning

"We should help with global warming which is why we will be using one car to go to work." I ruffled his hair and jumped off his lap and sprinted to the washroom.

The minute I closed the door, I burst out laughing at his face that screamed 'betrayal'.

"Laugh and I'll barge in!" he yelled from out.

I slapped my hand over my mouth while the other remained on my stomach as I tried my best to laugh without making any noise.

"You are already late and keep this up I'll make you even more late!" he yelled again and successfully stopping me from laughing further as I hurriedly hopped to shower.


I was currently in front of the mirror looking at my neck, collarbone and upper chest....covered in hickeys...loads of them.

I grit my teeth as I shout while still glaring at my reflection.

"Arjun Kapoor get in here this instant!!" 

He walked in after a minute in black shirt with rolled up sleeves and formal grey pants.
Dammit! He looks hot.

When does he not?

"Yes?" he smiled coming closer as I glared at him.

"What is this?" I ask point all over my upper body.

He smirked and came so close that if either of us moves another inch, we'll be glued to each other.

"That my innocent Angel, is a hickey. Sorry my bad, those my innocent Angel, are hickeys." he smirked specifying on the word 'hickey'.

I hit his chest and gritted my teeth.

"I know what it is, my question is why have you given me so many?" I ask throwing my hands in the air.

"Because you're mine!" he told it casually making me look at him.

"I don't want other men look at you like they are eye raping you. The world needs to know that you, my love, are taken by a very possessive man who is madly in love with you and doesn't believe in sharing." he explained further while I just gazed at him with a small smile.

"I love you." I say smiling which he returned.

He bent down and claimed my lips in his with a soft and passionate kiss. His tongue grazed my lower lip but I denied access and pulled away panting slightly.

I turn around in his arms to face the mirror and sigh.

"I can't even hide them!" I whine as I tilt my neck to see it go all the way to my ear. 

How am I supposed to hide all this?!

Suddenly I'm pressed to the counter with his hands on either side of me clutching the count to keep me from escaping as he leaned over.

"You will not hide them." he said in a low tone sending shivers down my spine.

"So what? I go around and let everyone see this?" I ask getting my eyes into slits.

"Isn't that obvious?" he asked raising his brows.

"I'm not stepping out of this room with all this." I say looking away but his intense gaze made me look back at him in defeat.

"We'll see." he said coming closer, I leaned more behind trying to get away when he abruptly moved back giving me only enough space to stand straight.

"I will see how you hide them now." he smirked holding my foundation bottle in his hand.

I gasp. 

Before my hands could even touch the bottle he raised his above his head and smiled innocently as I fell into his chest losing my balance. My hands rested on his chest as I look at him.

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