Part 2

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As Pam threw her hands up in the air and began clapping enthusiastically, Sasha cringed and threw a glance around the Spa's relaxation lounge. "For God's sake, lower your voice before people think we've lost our minds!"

But Pam waved her off. "Let 'em hear me all they want, my friends are finally fuckin' again! It's about damn time too!"

"I didn't say we're fuckin' again," Sasha corrected, her cheeks warming. "We made out. But yeah, we were certainly heading in that direction when Micah interrupted us."

"And that's the important part...'heading in that direction'," said Pam, "Which is a lot of progress seein' as y'all couldn't say that a week ago."

And that, simply, was the honest truth. Sasha and Joe had become so distant with each other. It was a seemingly endless cycle of arguments and anger and conflict between husband and wife, and their last argument had clearly been the final straw. It was a miracle of sorts that a revival had somehow sparked from that as opposed to a complete collapse, but Sasha was more than grateful that they were drifting down the positive path. This morning started out, by all standards, terrific. She treated her husband to breakfast in bed for the first time in ages. They fed, bathed and clothed the babies together. They'd had another kissing session that they both enjoyed a lot. Clearly swept up in the joy and relief of reconciliation, Joe relinquished his credit card to her, telling her to get her hair done and pampered and whatever else she wanted to prepare for their night out while he stayed home with the twins and Mia. He'd even suggested taking Pam along. Sasha had no objection to that. She had no objection whatsoever to this new, happier turn of events.

Picking up her complementary glass of champagne, Pam scrutinized her best friend. "Do you even know why you were fighting so much? Do you even remember how it all started?"

That was a damn good question, one Sasha had no immediate answer to. "Not really. We'll probably talk about it tonight."

"You should," Pam agreed. She wished she could say she had seen the storm coming. Both women were equally busy with work and family, and as a result were not seeing as much of each other like they used to. If she'd been more attentive, maybe she could have stopped the drama from escalating to the heights it got to. Or maybe it was better off not to interfere in what husband and wife clearly needed to deal with on their own, together. But she was always confident that they would bounce back. Sasha and Joe loved each other too much and were too beautiful a couple to just fall apart like that. She was glad they were proving her right. "Quietly. Civilly. No raised voices. And talk about everything, cuz you need to." As the younger woman nodded, Pam went on. "I'm serious. Life is too short for meaningless fighting. Look what's happenin' around the world. You never know when it's gonna be your last day with the people you love. Look what Gin's been through. It woulda been easy for him to give it all up. For me to give up."

Sasha's response was instant as her eyes widened incredulously. "You'd never have given up. You love him."

Pam nodded. "With all of my heart and soul. That's why I stood by him without question, and it made me stronger as a wife, as a mother, as a person. Maybe what you're going through with Joe will do the same for you. But y'all gonna have to work on it, especially with your unique situation where you don't get to see each other often."

An attendant walked in and set a tray of fruit on their table. Pam wasted no time picking a strawberry and dropping it into her drink. "So how are you feeling about tonight?"

Sasha's heart was racing just thinking about it. Sure, things seemed to be back to normal this morning, but the kids were around them then. Tonight they would be all alone. What would it be like? Would the tension still be there? It was a mixture of emotions churning within her at the moment. Shrugging, she replied, "Excited. Nervous. We haven't done this in a while. It feels like our first date all over again."

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