Chapter 11: A Wedding!

Start from the beginning

"So grab what you can and follow us. We're moving this wedding party upstairs." He announced.

🎵Chorus: "A wedding, a wedding. We're going to have a wedding."🎵

Emile hopped down from the statue, and extended his hand to (Y/n) and helped her down. Emile followed after the townsfolk and (Y/n) went to follow after him, but Miss Spider stopped him.

"Hold on, (Y/n). You can't get married looking like that." She gestured to her ripped dress and messed up hair.

Mrs. Spider whistled and a bunch of spiders lowered down, holding a beautiful wedding dress.

(Author: I pictured this as you wearing Emily's dress, but less torn up and ragged, but you can imagine something different if you want.)

The spiders led (Y/n) to a room where she could change into the dress.

🎵Spiders: "The spiders think your the best, but goodness knows you need a dress. But have no fears were quite adept. We'll have you looking lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, yet."🎵

The spiders crawled along her arms and made adjustments to the dress.

🎵Spiders: "A little stitch, a little tuck some tender loving care. A little thread will fix you up and we've got plenty as you see and personally guarantee our quality repairs."🎵

They combed through her hair, straightening it out and styled it for her.

🎵Spiders: "A little here, I'll fix the mess, we're going to do our very best. When everybody sees you they will all be quite impressed. They will all be quite impressed."🎵

(Y/n) stepped out and twirled around, showing off her beautiful dress

🎵Chorus: "A wedding! We're going to have..."🎵


Miss Plum was planning out Emile and (Y/n)'s wedding cake.

🎵Miss Plum: "A wedding cake is no mistake. It must be quite sublime."🎵

🎵Worker: "We're missing something."🎵

🎵Worker: "Try some dust."🎵

🎵Miss Plum: "I wish I had more time."🎵

🎵Worker: "Perhaps there's something I can do, these bones might help a bit."🎵

The worker accidentally knocked the other workers nose into the pot.

🎵Worker: "Oh, my nose!"🎵

🎵Worker: "Sorry."🎵

🎵Miss Plum: "Wait a minute, that's it."🎵

🎵Worker: "Voilà!"🎵

🎵Worker: "A little that."🎵

🎵Worker: "A little this."🎵

🎵All: "The perfect cake is hard to miss. A wedding, a wedding. We're going to have a wedding."🎵


🎵Chorus: "Huzzah! Huzzah! We're going to have a wedding. A wedding. Let's all get out a cheer cause the groom is getting married today. Hooray!"🎵

🎵Chorus: "One thing you can surely say is we will stand beside. Until the end we will defend our good friends lovely bride."🎵

🎵Chorus: "Our bride-to-be, our bride-to-be will stay by his side. And help love bloom for our one and only charming Corpse Groom."🎵

Two soldiers came up and patted Emile on the back.

🎵Chorus: "Huzzah! Hooray! Huzzah! Hooray!"🎵

🎵Chorus: "Our groom is getting married today."🎵

Everyone gathered around Emile and waited for his bride.

🎵"Oh, there she is."🎵

🎵"Here she comes."🎵

(Y/n) descended elegantly down the stairs in the wedding dress holding a bouquet of flowers.

🎵Chorus: "Oh, our groom's bride is here. He's waited for this day for many a year. For this day, for this day our hopes and our pride, the bride is here. Here comes the bride."🎵

A few spiders lowered down from the ceiling and placed a flower crown on her head that had a long veil attached to it.

Emile stared at (Y/n) with absolute awe. He didn't think it was possible for someone to look so beautiful.

🎵Chorus: "Here comes the bride. Here comes the bride. For this day, for this day, will last forever. And all of his friends will work together."🎵

🎵Chorus: "To make it the perfect day he's always dreamed, our hopes and our pride, our groom, our groom finally has his bride."🎵

Emile and (Y/n) stared at each other with love in their eyes until they were dragged away from each other to start heading upstairs.


🎵Chorus: "We're going to have a party like nobody's ever seen. The living in the land above will not know where they've been."🎵

A bunch of skeletons lifted up the large cake Miss Plum had made that was several layers high and had a miniature version of (Y/n) and Emile on it.


Everyone started marching towards the Land of the Living, (Y/n) and Emile being led up with them.

🎵Chorus: "The land above. The party of...the groom."

🎵Chorus: "Here comes the bride and the groom, on this glorious day of days. Up to the Land of the Living to celebrate!"🎵


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