|chapter 14|

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Gripping Robins hand so hard, she was sure Robin had lost circulation, Nancy stepped into the courtroom.

Ignoring any and all eyes on her, Nancy let herself be guided by Robin to her seat.

She sat down, and noticed Robin sitting down in the seat next to her, deliberately tilting the seat towards Nancy's.

The judge began speaking, but Nancy could only hear a strange buzzing in her head.

But over the buzzing she heard a loud door click open, and in walked Clyde, a smug smirk on his face.

Nancy was only able to look at him for two seconds, before they made eye contact.

It was too much for the poor girl, the ringing in her ears, the presence of the man she had never wanted to see again, and her consciousness telling her that things could end up horribly.

She started hyperventilating, and Robin didn't notice first, as she was too busy glaring daggers at Clyde.

It was actually Nancy's mother who did.

She was seated on the other side of Nancy, slightly more distanced from her that Robin was.

But, she was close enough to notice, and she didn't bother trying to calm Nancy down herself, even though that was all she wanted to do, as a mother.

She called out Robins name quietly, and Robin whipped her head towards Mrs. Wheeler, as if she was just snapped out of a trance.

Following Mrs. Wheeler's troubled glance, Robin mentally slapped herself for not noticing Nancy's current state.

It was worse than before, Nancy hardly getting any oxygen in, tears streaking down her red face, and her hands were clamped tightly over her ears.

Robin shook off her initial shock at how fast Nancy had gone downhill, standing up abruptly, causing the judge to stare at the commotion.

"If you'll excuse us-" Robin started, trying to disguise the shakiness in her voice.

"No." The judge stated firmly. "No one is permitted to leave the court until a final decision has been made."

Robin was about to flip the judge off, take a Nancy into her arms, and run far, far away, but Mrs. Wheeler sensed that, and gave a single shake of her head.

Not wanting to do something stupid that could cause Mrs. Wheeler to not trust Robin to look after Nancy, Robin let out a small sigh.

She picked Nancy up anyways, ignoring the instinct to run, and Robin sat down in Nancy's place. She sat Nancy on her lap, so that they were facing each other, and Nancy couldn't see Clyde.

Nancy knew immediately that it was Robin who had picked her up, and that it was Robin who was holding her in that moment.

So she placed her head in the crook of Robin's neck, not giving a single thought to if other people could see them.

Everyone could.

They were staring, confusion etched upon their faces, but the judge understood.

So, she hit the gavel, announcing that they would commence in ten minutes instead of five.

Thankful, Robin buried her face in Nancys hair, the two of them staying in that position for thirty seconds before Robin spoke.

"You- you good?" Robin asked, her slightly raspy voice breaking from sheer exhaustion, and the day had only just begun.

Nancy just replied by shaking her head, but at least she was being honest.

When Robin said nothing, Nancy slowly looked up, finding it hard to look into Robin's eyes.

But Robin just gently placed the long side of her pointer finger under Nancys chin, guiding it upwards, so they were looking eye to eye.

Normally, Robin would have been a stuttering, blushing mess, but Nancy was her top priority.

"Can I do anythi-" Robin started, her cheeks definitely a shade darker then they were before.

"I just feel so weak." Nancy cut her off, starting in a voice that was so quiet, Robin had to strain to hear her. "Like, I can't even look at him without breaking down. I'm supposed to be the strong one, but everyday, you're the only one I've been able to trust. It's been weeks, Robin! And I feel like I haven't gotten any better. You know-"

Robin cut her off by placing a finger against Nancy's lips.

"You, Nancy Wheeler." Robin started, keeping her finger on Nancys lips. "Are the strongest girl I have ever met. Even though I haven't known you for that long, every day you amaze me more and more with how strong willed you are. So don't you ever let me hear you call yourself weak again, because you have every right to be upset with what that man did to you. It's only human."

And by the end of Robin's ramble, Nancy felt the slightest bit better, eyes drying up, and the ringing in her ears coming to a halt.

And it was just in time, as the Judge began to speak.

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