"How would you know? I'm literally impregnated with a global security threats baby! A man who's probably killed some of their teammates, friends and family!" Nikolai sighed knowing she was scared out of her mind but he knew how to reassure her.

"Why do you think we're here Lydia? These people know that at one point I was acquainted with Makarov while I was undercover and this was way before you came into the picture. Not as close as Yuri was with him but I know him. We both betrayed him and whoever else was behind his little parade of death and destruction. Why do you think I disappeared? I was found out and these men, this task force came to my rescue," said Nikolai as he looked between both of his friends, "You will be well protected. Yuri and me swear by that."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it Nikolai," said Lydia as she absorbed up all the information she was told and it was only the beginning of it. They stood there chatting a bit more on less serious topics and enjoying their little reunion, with the guys going back to rubbing her belly. Suddenly, they felt these little thumps against their hands and they looked at each other surprised.

"She kicked!" Stated Yuri excitedly.

"I guess she's introducing herself to her god father's," giggled Lydia making them laugh.

"Lydia?" They all heard a male voice callout followed with a stampede of footsteps when a small group of soldier's led by none other than Archer himself rounded the corner. "There you are! Oh, I see you met Yuri and Nikolai."

"Hey Archer," she answered sweetly back, "And these two? I actually already know them believe it or not." Archer raised an eyebrow but decided against asking how she personally knew them at the moment since there was many people around.

"I've came to get you. The doctor is ready to see you," said Archer respectfully. Lydia nodded and looked at her friends.

"Hopefully this won't take long but I'll see you guys later if it does." They both nodded in acknowledgement and knowing that she was in safe hands proceeded to head off to do whatever task they were originally doing before running into her. She then followed Archer to the doctor, walking beside him while the extra soldiers he brought followed behind.

"Any reason you brought these men with you?" She asked innocently.

"They were assigned to watch you. General's orders."

"Oh...Am I in trouble?"

"What? No! Of course not! He didn't really give any specifics to why he wanted soldiers assigned to you but I can only assume since you're the sole survivor of this incident, he probably doesn't want you to feel alone in this," he answered honestly.

"Ah, okay. I'll properly thank him for taking my well-being into consideration if I'm ever introduced to him anytime soon," replied Lydia as they continued walking.

A few hours later...

"God, you know I was only joking when I said this might take long," She groaned as she adjusted herself on the medical bed she was in. Archer, who was sitting beside her in a chair, laughed at her comment.

"Well at least we know God does answers his calls here and there."

"He could've ignored this one," groaned Lydia making him laugh more. She rolled her eyes at him as she softly scratched at her arm where blood was drawn.

"Lydia, may I ask you a question?" Said Archer in a hushed tone. She felt her heart pound against her chest but she kept herself collected.

"Yeah, of course Archer. What's up?"

"I didn't want to ask earlier since so many people were present but now we're alone and our little entourage of soldiers are hanging outside the infirmary, I wanted to ask now but how do you know Nikolai and Yuri? You three don't seem like you would've crossed paths just because life said so. I have some ideas on how I think you all met." Lydia sighed heavily and looked at him.

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