Chapter 15

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It has been four days since kakucho and y/n metY/n has been staying in a different house alone with a maid and some guardsKakucho would come everyday to see how she was doing which y/n really appreciated, tho she wished her father also came to mee...

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It has been four days since kakucho and y/n met
Y/n has been staying in a different house alone with a maid and some guards
Kakucho would come everyday to see how she was doing which y/n really appreciated, tho she wished her father also came to meet her as she only met him once.
Kakucho would pick her up from school since the last four days and even took her to shopping for some clothes and school supplies
But the only thing was he didn't told Mikey or anyone else that he is looking after y/n
"Has anyone seen kakucho" Mikey asked the executives who came few mins ago for the meeting
"I did call him about the sudden meeting but he said he wouldn't be able to make it" Rindou replied
"I see, he has been late to the afternoon meetings since the last four days" Mikey said
"It's unlikely of him to be late especially to meetings" koko said while doing some paper work
"Mikey are u planning to introduce y/n to them"  Takeomi asked
"Hm I'm planning to do it today" Mikey replied
"Hii kakucho San" y/n said as she got in the car
"How was school" kakucho said as he started the car
"It was pretty good, we got our marks today of the exams that was few days ago" y/n said as she started to look for the report card in her bag
"Is that so, how much did u got" kakucho asked while driving
"I haven't seen it yet, would u look at it for me and see how much I got" y/n said as she gave kakucho the report card, kakucho parked the car to look at the report card
"Are u sure? U don't want to look at ur report card first" kakucho asked the girl to be sure
"Hai! I always tell someone to look at it first, so they can tell me how it went " y/n said, by someone she meant kiyoko, kiyoko always looked at y/n's  report card first, it was a habit of y/n to go home and give her mama her report card and they both used to look at it together.
"U got straight As, y/n! Good job" kakucho said "let's celebrate it with ice cream" kakucho added

As kakucho and y/n were eating their ice cream
"U know kakucho San, me and mama used to also eat ice cream after i used to get my report card" she said smiling at the memory of her and kiyoko dancing and eating ice cream as celebration
"Once my exams didn't go that well, but mama and i still celebrated it with ice cream I was a little confused why mama wasn't mad at me but she said
'y/n i know u gave ur best, that's why u deserve to celebrate it, it's ok to get bad marks sometimes! We will work harder next time ok!' " Y/n said
"Ur mama was right, don't be too hard on yourself" kakucho said and y/n nodded in response
After eating the ice cream

"Hold on a minute" kakucho said to y/n as he was getting a call from Mikey
"Yes, I'll be there" kakucho ended the call "y/n i have to go and meet Mikey, would u like to come" kakucho asked
"I don't know" y/n said
"Well there is a dinner today and u will come there maybe go a little early" kakucho said
"Ok" y/n said as her and kakucho went towards the car

Author's note: Do u guys like the story so far?

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