Chapter 8

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September 29 Y/n's age 11

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September 29
Y/n's age 11

At the sano house
Y/n had decided that she will look for a job but she can't tell her granny that ofc, she is walking home after visiting the graveyard and getting some food for dinner
"If  I need to look for a job I need to fine one where I can work at night when granny is sleeping and come before 6:30" y/n said to herself as she was heading home "i will leave when granny is sleeping which will be at 11:30 then I will leave for roppongi i am sure I will get a job there that place is busy during night time I have heard" y/n said as she happily hopped towards her home.
After dinner

"Sweetheart aren't u going to change?" Granny said as she was combing  y/n's hair "I will, I have some hw to do after that I will change and go to bed" y/n replied while watching the tv "don't stay up too late, i am going to sleep now ok?" said granny as she kissed y/n's forehead and went towards her room to sleep

Y/n's pov:
Ok time for the plan to start, where is my bag oh! There is it is, ok I have mama's phone, the subway card, mama's pocket knife ok I need a water bottle too ok all set to go! I just need to leave from the living room's window quietly and go to the subway and come back before 6:30 that's simple.
Y/n's plan was successful she was now in roppongi, ok now I need to look for a job maybe I should try that ramen shop thought y/n
But when she asked the owner if they needed help, the owner replied
"Kid are u serious i don't need a nine year old working in my shop" he said as he laughed, "sir I am not nine I am almost 12 my birthday is next month, i really need a job pls" y/n said as she bowed infront of the man "look kid u are too small, let's not waste any time just leave already" said the man
Now y/n wondered if anyone will give her a job, she knows that her age is not appropriate and it is illegal too for kids her age to work but hopefully someone understands her situation and gives her a job, as she was walking on the streets of roppongi she heard loud music coming from an alley and saw a woman entering a place "maybe I should ask over there"  y/n thought as she took a deep breath and went towards the place she opened the door, she was met with the smell of smoke, alcohol and loud music
As she was going further inside someone called out for her "oi kid" as she was about to turn around and see who was calling out for her someone took her inside of a room, it was a woman

Y/n's pov:
Ouch! Oh wait isn't this the lady i saw entering this place, okayyy there are alot of ladies here, why are they all in their underwear, "kid what the hell are u doing here!" "I am looking for a job and I saw u enter here so i followed u here, Gomenasai! But I really need a job" i bowed infront of the lady "a job here!?" The ladies gathered around me "hai" i replied nervously "kid do u even know where u are?" One of the ladies asked
"not really, um maybe a cafe" i replied
"where are ur parents and where do u live i am going to drop u home" the lady infront of me said
"no pls i really need a job i will tell u why" i replied and told them well everything how if I don't get a job, only god knows how me and granny will have food to eat, 
"well, I'm Becky heroka nice to meet u" said the lady who I had followed "y/n baji, nice to meet you too heroka-san"
"just call me becky"
"Are u sure u still wanna work here?" Asked Becky
", i know that this place is bad but i really need a job" y/n replied
"Well i told u about this place and what i told u is true, men come here to see women like me dance and they drink alcohol and stuff u shouldn't do.. u still wanna work here?"asked Becky again y/n nodded yes as a response "fine but what wil u do?" said Becky "i can clean the tables and serve drinks and clean the place" said y/n "hmm sounds good to me, plus the cleaners never show up and it would be helpful if someone can serve the drinks, ok let's talk to the manager shall we y/n?" Said Becky as she started to head towards where the manger was "hai" y/n replied as she followed Becky

"A kid?" The manager asked Becky "hai, i told her about the club but she still wants to work here she really needs a job and I mean alot of illegal things happen in this club so if we do one more which is for something good shouldn't be a big deal" said Becky as she was holding y/n's hand "fine, welcome to the business kid" said the manager as he left the room "Arigato Becky San" said y/n "no problem btw where do u live?" Asked Becky as her and y/n left the manager's office "shibuya" "really i live there too, what's ur address?" asked Becky "it's xxxxxx" "i can drop u home if u want ur house is in my route" said Becky as she took y/n to a room "if u don't mind" said y/n "i don't mind so it's settled i will pick u up at 12 and drop u home too, oh and u have to wear this uniform"

"Uh ok" as y/n took the uniform and tried it on "well it's a little big for u but i mean that's ok I don't think u would like to wear short dress right?" Said Becky "hai the dress is below my knees i don't really like wearing short dresses" said y/n "ok then let's get to work i will tell u the basics let's go" Becky said as she dragged y/n "hai" y/n replied

Author's note: do u guys like the story so far?
Stay safe everyone and hope u have a nice day ahead 💞💞

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