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Chapter 26

    "What did you say?" Bai Ke rested his chin with one hand, his eyes drifting slightly away, as if he was recalling, "Most of the time...it's all innocuous words, what to give him candy is good for him, He likes you very much."


Bai Mumu understood.

All she could think of, Lu Yan would say these things.

Lu Yan was sitting next to him, and when he heard Bai Ke say this, he suddenly realized: "I remembered, I said it, I said it!"

Bai Ke looked up at Lu Yan and was a little surprised at his reaction: "You forgot all about it. Is it?"

Bai Mumu made a relief: "Some of his things will be easier to forget."

She was too embarrassed to tell Bai Ke, and she reminded Lu Yan of Bai Ke's name.

When Bai Ke heard this, he smiled slyly and asked him, "Then do you remember what you said the day my sister was coming back?"

Lu Yan tilted his head and looked confused.

Obviously, he doesn't remember either.

Bai Ke had already guessed that he had forgotten, and reminded: "You said, you like Xiao Bai very much, and you want to kiss her very much, but you are afraid that she will be angry, and then ask me, how can I make her kiss her without being angry."

Bai Mumu : ? ? ? Did you say that too? !

"Ah!" Lu Yan just remembered, but his expression was natural, "But I have already thought of a way."

Bai Mumu:? ? I do not know how.

Bai Ke took advantage of the situation to tease him: "What can I do? Share it with me."

"Didn't you say at the time that as long as Xiaobai likes me, he won't be angry?" Lu Yan looked at Bai Mumu who was sitting beside him, and his expression was obviously a little nervous. After a while, he said, "I think, as long as I remember everything Xiaobai said and do everything I ordered, Xiaobai will slowly like me, right?"

Lu Yan's idea is very simple .

Plus he didn't know that there was no necessary connection between liking and being able to kiss.

"Yes." Bai Mumu took over the words, she raised her hand and patted Lu Yan's head, "And you did a good job."

Bai Ke sat aside, as a normal person, of course she knew that doing so would not You can't make one person fall in love with another.

If Bai Mumu likes Lu Yan because of these, it can only mean that she likes Lu Yan herself.

Bai Mumu praised Lu Yan, but Lu Yan felt a little embarrassed, "I haven't written yet! I'm going up to write!"

Bai Mumu followed him upstairs and said to Bai Ke, "You are free, the room on the first floor is empty, think about it. If you live, you can live."

Lu Yan

went upstairs and took out a checkered book to write.

Bai Mumu stood by and watched him write.

Lu Yan's fingers are not as flexible as ordinary people's, and his handwriting is not good-looking, but every stroke and every stroke is extraordinarily serious.

Lu Yan can now master two or three hundred Chinese characters.

And this process is recorded in a book of squares.

These squares were marked with serial numbers, and Bai Mumu put them in a storage box.

In just a few months, the entire box is almost full.

Bai Mumu sat there and started to look.

Lu Yan's first checkbook had five numbers on it, one, two, three, four, five. I still remember that Bai Mumu rewarded him with taking him to the company. Lu Yan spent a few days writing three books.

Just write these five numbers.

Now, he has written some more complex Chinese characters, and although he writes slowly, he can also write horizontally, horizontally and vertically.

Bai Mumu sat there flipping the checkered book one by one.

Lu Yan finished writing today's Chinese characters, stretched out, and handed the square book to Bai Mumu: "Xiao Bai! I've finished writing today's characters!"

Bai Mumu glanced at him, raised his hand and rubbed him hair, awesome.

Lu Yan looked up at Bai Mumu and asked nervously, "Xiao Bai, can you teach me how to write your name? I, I want to learn."

"Yes." Bai Mumu readily agreed.

She opened a new page of the checkered book, first wrote down the word "white", and then wrote the word "mu" twice.

"Xiaobai's handwriting is so beautiful." Lu Yan gently rubbed the handwriting Bai Mumu had just written with his fingers, looking envious, "If only I could write as good-looking as Xiaobai.

" Write better." Bai Mumu said.

After writing the words, Bai Mumu handed the jumping candy prepared earlier to Lu Yan, thinking of Bai Ke downstairs, and said warmly, "Xiao Yan'er, I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Lu Yan is still unpacking the jumping Packaging of sugar.

"There are some things that you can't just tell others." Bai Mumu thought about it and said, "For example, about kissing."

It doesn't matter if you tell Bai Ke.

She and Bai Ke are the same generation. Although this little girl looks like a bad girl, she is not someone you can't trust.

But if these things are said to others.

Such as the Lu family...

even outsiders.

Then Bai Mumu guessed that he was going to find a crack to get in.

Lu Yan didn't quite understand, "Can't you say it?"

Bai Mumu nodded and explained to Lu Yan seriously: "Well, kissing is an intimate act

, except for the special circumstances in the bar that day, it can't be done in public places, so I'd be shy if you told others about it."

"Shy?" Lu Yan seemed to have discovered the new world, his face was slightly closer to her, and he asked her with obvious joy, "Really? Will Xiaobai be shy?"

Bai Mumu: ...

She knows, Lu Yan didn't say She means thick-skinned.

"Yes, I'm a girl, I'm more shy." Bai Mumu tapped the tip of Lu Yan's nose lightly, "So don't tell others casually, if you really want to know anything, you can ask me, and I will also I can answer it for you."

Lu Yan nodded happily: "I see!"

Originally, this topic should end here.

Bai Mumu struggled for a while, and decided to plan ahead, "Xiao Yan'er, there are other things about your place..."

Lu Yan tilted his head and asked, "Where?"

Bai Mumu pointed to the position below his lower abdomen, "It's there, shhh The shush place, um... If you have any questions about things here, you can tell me, don't tell others, especially... people you don't know well."

Lu Yan lowered his head, rubbed it with his own hands, and raised it again. At first, he asked Bai Mumu curiously, "Is there any other use here besides shush?"

Bai Mumu lowered his head and said bravely, "Well...there are quite a few uses."

"Really?" Lu Yan was surprised. Now, with curiosity, I said the symptoms, "It's not obedient at all, I, I sometimes see Xiaobai, it jumps and jumps, and I don't know why!

" Bai Mumu's heart collapsed in the physiological hygiene class.

She knew that something should be told to Lu Yan, and she said it just now, if you ask her a question, she will answer.

But ...

Lu Yan really asked, but she didn't know how to teach.

Bai Mumu struggled for a while, and decisively ordered a small picture book of human body knowledge for children from the Internet.

After the payment was made, she looked at Lu Yan and answered the first question: "Your jumping and jumping situation is probably called sexual urge."

"What is sexual urge?" Lu Yan asked with his head tilted.

"That's...that's..." Bai Mumu said with a ruthless heart, "It's just a sign that you like me!"

Bai Mumu had the illusion that he was lying to children.

She heard that men and women are not the same.

There is a saying that men are animals who think with their lower bodies. It is said that the main reason is that their impulses are probably not psychological, but physiological


After receiving some kind of stimulus, it may react.

However, Lu Yan believed.

"It turned out to be so, I know." Lu Yan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will only tell Xiaobai about these things in the future."

After New Year's Day.

Bai Mumu sent Bai Ke to school.

In her last life, she went to the best private school in Beijing from kindergarten to high school.

A good school, standing at the door, can be seen by the style of the students coming and going.

The vocational high school where Bai Ke was in had no uniforms.

The students were dressed in odd shapes, had their ears pierced, and had no tattoos.

Bai Mumu sat in the car and observed for a while, and came to the conclusion that it is not surprising that there is school violence in this kind of school.

Back to the company.

Bai Mumu called Gu Xiao and asked her, "Is there any software that is more popular among students, from which you can see the situation among school students."

When Bai Mumu was studying in the original world, Baidu Tieba was very popular.

Everyone likes to discuss who is handsome and who is in love with whom.

Although there is also Baidu in this world, it seems that the post bar among students is not very popular.

Gu Xiao gave Bai Mumu popular science a software called Circle Circle. Because of the anonymous circle in it, it was very popular among students.

Bai Mumu found the circle of Bai Ke's vocational high school in the software.

The post on the first page -

xxx digs the corner of Lao Tzu, if it is a man, come in and line up!

School grass xxx has changed girlfriends again, this time for two months?

Dealing with the object,

I picked up the off-campus godfather who bought xxx a brand-name bag.

With this style of painting, one can imagine what the students in this school are doing all day long.

When Bai Mumu was watching, Gu Xiao just came in with coffee. She asked Gu Xiao, "How is

Beicheng No. 1 Middle School?" Even if it is half a foot into Beicheng University."

It was exactly what she thought.

Bai Mumu searched for Bai Ke's name in the vocational high school circle.


Bai Mumu thought she would not know how to check, so she instructed Gu Xiao, "In the circle of xx vocational high school, or in other ways, check Bai Ke for me and see if anyone has mentioned her.

" What's the problem? Usually, her name will appear on the school forum.

Bai Mumu has been busy all morning.

When he arrived at the office at noon, Gu Xiaojin said, "Mr. Bai, is the Bai Ke you're talking about a transfer


Bai Mumu looked at the documents on the computer screen and nodded at the same time, "Yes."

Gu Xiao said: "She seems to have been excluded from that school... I'm not sure if it is her, but it seems that she is the only transfer student this semester..."

Gu Xiao's voice was not loud, but he was not very emotional when he spoke. high.

Only then did Bai Mumu turn to look at her, and asked, "How did you get rid of it?"

Gu Xiao said, "I checked a few platforms that are commonly used by students. At first, someone mentioned Bai Ke, saying that she was transferred from Beicheng No. 1 Middle School. Xueba, someone mentioned later that she didn't give anyone else the answer to the test in the classroom."

Bai Mumu: "And then she was excluded?"

Gu Xiao nodded: "After that, someone suggested to play a game called—no transfer students.

" What do you mean?"

Just by the name, Bai Mumu already realized that something was wrong.

Gu Xiao: "It's just...pretend that there are no transfer students, everyone's parents can't see her, use this method to squeeze her out..."

Bai Mumu put her hand on the mouse and didn't move for a long time.

After a few seconds, he finally remembered to get his phone and asked Gu Xiao, "Tell me how to check this game, and I'll check it out myself."

Gu Xiao told Bai Mumu the method.

Students who play this "game" also set up a new circle, which is called no transfer students.

There is not much talk in this circle.

Before many people recorded what they did every day in this game.

Occasionally there are a few posts before the holiday, the content is all -

crap, why doesn't it come?

Are you not going to drop out? This is boring.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, I've been bored to death lately.

But starting this morning, there are many new topics in the circle all of a sudden.

It's coming, it's coming The

game starts, the game starts.

Hahahaha, finally got it.

I just moved her desk chair into the hallway, yay!

Bai Mumu: "These idiots."

She thought that Bai Ke was just being bullied by a few people at school.

Didn't expect it to be like this!

Bai Mumu called Gu Xiao in and asked her, "What are the four famous schools in Beicheng, what are the other three?"

Gu Xiao replied, "Xinzhen No. 1 Middle School, Beicheng No. 32 Middle School, Beicheng University Yucai High School."

Bai Mumu: "There are private schools. Is it?"

Gu Xiao: "Yucai High School is private."

This kind of rubbish school, rubbish students, except for a small number of people, most of them are just messing around.

What's the use of her going to school and scolding

them ?

They are neither relatives nor relatives, their lives are theirs, and they have nothing to do with her.

Bai Mumu made an ok gesture, said to Lu Yan, and drove out the door.

When she drove to Bai Ke's vocational high school, it was just in time for the afternoon class break.

To prevent students from coming out, the school gate is locked.

The guard contacted Bai Ke's head teacher, and the head teacher personally came out and took Bai Mumu in.

Bai Ke's head teacher is a middle-aged woman, probably in her 40s.

Today, Bai Mumu is wearing professional attire, a long burgundy coat and 7 cm high heels.

The atmosphere is full.

She followed the head teacher into the office.

The office area is large, and all teachers work together.

Everyone's desks are so neat that they don't even have papers and workbooks.

Bai Mumu looked at it and said with emotion: "The teacher's office in your school is really clean." The head

teacher smiled helplessly: "The school now has a 4s rule, and you are not allowed to put things on the table."

Bai Mumu didn't answer, and went straight to the topic. : "I want to ask about my sister Bai Ke being ostracized by students at school, do you know about this?"

The smile on the head teacher's face froze.

Not only the head teacher, but other teachers in the office also looked over.

Bai Mumu felt the change in the atmosphere in the office, and had already guessed what the situation of these teachers was.

Also, how could the teacher not know about an exclusion event that almost all grades participated in?

But, the next second, the head teacher pretended to be surprised: "Is there such a thing? No, Bai Ke hasn't come to school for several months, and he didn't even take the exam."

Bai Mumu said blankly: "Oh, that's because your school's ethos is too bad. My sister transferred here from the first middle school. Even the quizzes like the class quiz, a lot of people want to copy her. After she refused, the students excluded her and ignored her. She, when she doesn't exist."

Her voice was quiet, but everyone in the quiet office heard it.

The head teacher's face suddenly turned ugly: "There is no such thing at all, don't spread your word! There is no possibility of school violence in our school!"


While the head teacher was defending, a student walked in with a stack of papers.

The student walked to a teacher's desk next to him, put down the paper, reported the situation, and was ready to go out.

"Wait a minute, that student." Bai Mumu called to stop the student.

The student looked at Bai Mumu with a puzzled expression.

Bai Mumu

asked him with a smile, "Which class are you in?" The

student looked at the teachers around and replied, "Second and third high school classes."


Coincidentally, it was Bai Ke's class.

Bai Mumu asked him with a smile, "Do you know Bai Ke?"

As soon as the name was mentioned, the student's expression immediately became unnatural, and he subconsciously shook his head and said, "I don't know, there is no such person in our school."

After answering, he turned around and ran away out.

Bai Mumu looked at the head teacher: "None of their class representatives know her?" The

head teacher replied with a cold face: "She doesn't come to school every day, she doesn't come for exams, it's not normal for her to not know her."

Bai Mumu crossed her legs and folded her arms as she watched The head teacher said with a blank face: "When there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. This sentence really makes sense."

No matter what the reason, the head teacher knows that there is a bullying incident among the students but doesn't care? !

She stood up and said, "I'll transfer Bai Ke at the end of this semester."

Bai Mumu went to the second and third classes of high school.

After looking around, I didn't see Bai Ke.

Going around the school again.

This professional high school is not big, Bai Mumu quickly found Bai Ke sitting alone on the rostrum next to the playground.

Bai Ke was also startled when she saw Bai Mumu: "You, why are you here?"

"Want to transfer?" Bai Mumu asked her directly.

"Transfer? Transfer?" Bai Ke was taken aback.

"I'm going to go to Yucai High School of Beicheng University tomorrow to help you with transfer." Bai Mumu said.

As soon as he heard it was Yucai High School, Bai Ke immediately laughed at himself: "Sister, I thank you, but you've been working hard, Yucai can't want someone like me." Bai Mumu followed

her words and asked, "What kind of person are you talking about? ?"

Bai Ke: "It's just people from No. 1 middle school to vocational high school."

Although Yucai High School is private, it is also a top-notch high school in Beicheng, and it is no worse than one.

How could Yucai want someone like her from a middle school to a vocational high school?

Bai Mumu frowned.

She didn't expect that Bai Ke, a kid, could do anything else, and she was quite good at giving up on herself.

Also, if she hadn't given up on herself, no matter how difficult it was, she shouldn't have skipped the final exams during school.

Bai Mumu leaned against the wall, looked into the distance, and said slowly, "If I promise the principal of Yucai High School that you can get into the top ten in the whole grade in the final exam of the second year of high school, do you think the principal will agree to let you transfer?"

Bai Ke is decisive ? Answer: "I can't take the exam."

She has taken the exam first in the first year of high school, but she knows best how she has passed the past six months


It took her half a year to get into the top ten of Yucai?

She is not very sure.

Seeing her denying herself so resolutely, Bai Mumu didn't force it: "Then you can go here, anyway, in front of all the teachers in the office just now, I scolded this place as a garbage school, garbage teachers, garbage classmates, and dismissed the school from the principal. The rats that went to the sewers have scolded them once, and those who should be offended have been offended."

Bai Ke:? ? ? ? ?

Bai Mumu clenched her fists and cheered her on, "Come on, I believe you can survive."

Bai Ke: "Wait, wait! Sister! Let me think about it!"

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