#06 "Something was wrong"

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They all were gathered in the ETF office. A dead body was found in a deserted place. It was a murder. The man was tortured and then murdered ruthlessly. But the thing that had made them conscious was the small piece of paper with the letter 'S'. They all knew to whom this case was referring. They were already working on this case. Even the last six days had been hectic.

They had destroyed many of the illegal points of Sikandar and many of his deals had been demolished. Moreover, many of his men were caught and were under police custody.
They were pushing him to the edge, to make his decisions in haste.

Due to the destruction of his illegal business, he won't be able to delay the next consignment that was the only chance to catch him red-handed and they were prepared for it.
They were damn sure that in anger and haste he will take a wrong step.

The whole day passed upon working on the case and they all went to their places at night.


He had been sitting with Mr. Anand for the last fifteen minutes.

"Are you worried?"
Mr. Anand asked.

Arjun shrugged his shoulders.

He asked.

"It seems like I am moving backward.
To my past.
Three years back"
Arjun said it.

"Sometimes to move forward. We need to fix the things that were wrong in the past"
He advised.

"It's difficult. It's like losing something"
He said lost.

"Don't think too much Arjun"
Mr. Anand said placing his hand on his shoulder.

He nodded but deep down inside he was restless. Something was bothering him badly.

"Everything gonna be fine"
He whispered. He doesn't know to whom he was saying this to Mr. Anand or himself. He just knew that he needed that assurance that everything gonna be fine.

He was not the only one who was disturbed. Here, she was standing on the terrace leaning her back on the wall.
After giving medicines to Mr. Anand, leaving him & Arjun inside she came here.

"Everything gonna be fine"
She whispered to herself. A certain, unknown fear was rising inside her.

Arjun who was coming out of Mr. Anand's room saw her standing lost.

"Are you okay?"
He asked concerned.

She nodded.

"You are not"
He stated.

"I am fine"
She almost whispered.

"You are restless"
She looked at him surprised.

"I am feeling the same"
He confessed.

"It's hard to relive your past"
She sat down defeated.

"You are not alone"
He sat down beside her.

"I am there for you"
He assured.

She looked at him. There was genuine concern & pure care on his face that warmed her heart.

"Even I am there for you"
She said with a sweet smile that also passes to his lips.

How destiny had played its role to let them gather!!!

How their pain had connected them rather!!!

How fate had brought two souls together!!!


At an unknown place, a man was burning in rage. his illegal business was getting destroyed day by day.

Since today he was the one who destroyed people and nobody on earth had shown the courage to mess with him. He was ruthless, he gave wounds to others at their weakest point so that they wouldn't be able to stand in front of him again.

But he had been proven wrong in the case of Arjun. this person had become a thorn in his path.
He thought that after such a big wound he won't be able to recover for his whole life. but there he was getting upon his nerves.

This man was surely testing his patience and he being unbeatable, can't bear his defeat. He just couldn't.

He crushed the glass in his hands with full force. blood started dripping from his hand but he didn't care.

"I am Sikandar and nobody can defeat me. Nobody can"
The furry was visible in his eyes. Hatred was burning him inside out.

"You needed to be destroyed Arjun"
He said in a cold voice, calming himself. His lips curved into a smirk.
The furriness was replaced with the coldness.

"You needed to be destroyed"
He repeated his words and started laughing.

"You needed to be destroyed"
His menaced laugh was echoing around.

"You needed to be destroyed"
He was laughing like a psychopath.
There was something about him, very cold, extremely chilling, a way more brutal.


The next day was the same for them. A hectic one.
Arjun & Sameer had a meeting with Commissioner Sir so they went there. However, today was Mr. Anand's appointment with the doctor so Sakshi took him there.

He came back home at night. There was silence and darkness and certain loneliness. He didn't like it.

He knew Sakshi was at the hospital. He had talked to her a few minutes ago.

He said that he is coming to pick them up as he had been freed from the meeting.
But she told him that Shree had already arrived and they are coming with him.
He remembered he had instructed Shree to drop her home as he would be late.

It was odd to come home alone. In the last one & half months, it had become his habit to have her beside him every morning and night.
And today it seemed unusual to enter the home alone.

He came straight to the terrace. While standing there his thoughts diverted towards the case.
Everything was going according to the plan but still, something was bothering him.

As if somebody had held his hand and dragged him to the point where everything was started.
The time was different but the scenario was the same.

The only difference was that last time it was Roshni, now it's Sakshi.....

He shrugged off his thoughts.
These thoughts just scared him. He didn't want to think about that.

He grabbed his phone and called her.
"The number you have dialed is switched off. Please call later."

He dialed her number again and again but it was switched off.
With each passing moment, he was becoming more and more restless.

He dialed Shree's number.
To his horror, it was also switched off.

He grabbed his car keys and almost ran outside.

Something was wrong. Exceedingly wrong.


For now, it's done!!!

Apologies for the long wait.......

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