noticing a change part 2

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heres the last half of the noticing a change chapter


We got to Macy's finally, it was on the other side of the mall to where shake away is. 

We got given some funny looks when we walked into the shop, I mean we were dragging a guy into a shoe shop and the only time guys ever walked in there Willy Nilly was if they were gay. 

Not many straight guys walk into Macy's. Well if they all thought about it Zeke didn't really have a choice so...

I giggled to myself because if was true, we forced him to come bless him. I bet he feels awkward. 

Oh well he loved us so he don't care or he would of kicked up a big fuss. We walked in and went straight to the back to work our way to the front. 

There were a lot of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' at the shoes as we walked between the isles. 

We must have been in here for about half hour before I heard this. "OMG, look at theses" Leanne said disappearing from my side and then reappearing. 

In her hand she had these heels. "I love these ones". She's such a girl at times, but I love her. 

She was waving the heels around showing me every angle so I could see. They were black high heels, when I say 'high heels' I mean really high heels. 

They had lace around the ankle and a zip on the inside. They were actually really gorgeous. I kept looking around but I saw nothing. 

My dress was a baby blue colour while all my accessories were black. 

Leanne ended up buying the heels like I expected her too. 

They were kinda expensive but she didn't care and to be honest if I found a pair I wouldn't care the price it's our prom it's a once in a life time thing so why not pay out. 

They shoes were $82 but to be fair they were worth it. They were high heels for Christ sake not to mention the lace which is kinda expensive. 

After she paid we decided there was no point in staying in the shop any longer than we had to. It was only because we was on the way out I noticed them. 

I only saw them by chance and I am glad I did they were absolutely sexy. They were black tie ups with the same high heel as Leanne's ones. They went up to about my ankle all the way around. 

They weren't open toe which was great and they were just so bloody eye catching I can't believe I didn't notice them sooner. 

I picked up my size and went straight back to the till I didn't even have a look at the price tag, I didn't care there was no way I was going to look for another set of heels I have found the perfect ones. 

I thought they would be a lot more but they were only $78 which wasn't bad and at least I paid less than lee.

It was about 4 o'clock now and even though I decided not to think about it; I really want to check on my dad. 

Leanne and Zeke wanted to go surfing so that was good cause then I can go home and check on him but also get my surfing gear. 

We decided to make our way back to my car and placed the 2 bags in the boot. We would go back to Zeke's then leannes then go back to mine.

It took about half hour to go back to their houses but we also had to strap the surfboards. 

I parked up the car and left them two to unload their stuff from the car. They were gonna get changed down by the beach so it was cool. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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