Noticing a change part 1

Start from the beginning

I looked into his eyes. I could tell he was hoping that I would agree with him. I did notice he was started to walk slower but I just thought that was because he was admiring the sea. 

"Yeh sure dad" I said while giving him a smile. I stopped and began to turn around and walk the way we just came. 

We thought it would be nice if we sang on the way back so we ended up singing my dad's favourite song. 

It's a classic song, its called I believe I can fly by R.kelly. "kiddo, if you wanna sound even better put your own twist on it to make it more you, you need to try and make the song your own, make it sound like you were made to sing it" he said after we finished the song. 

My dad always gave me singing tips and they always made me feel better. 

"Okay dad I will do next time" I looked over at him and smiled to myself I really do love my dad I thought. 

Looking at my dad reminded me of his story. Before I moved in with my dad 5 years ago , to get me to sleep I would ask my dad to tell me his story and I would sit and fall asleep to it every time. 

I haven't heard the story in such a long time and I really wanted to hear it again. It was about how he came about singing and what he did when he was my age. 

The story might help me figure out what I wanted to be or even do. "Daddy will you tell me the story again?" I asked as I slid my hand through my dads arm, so that we were linking arms.

"What story?" he said sarcastically. He knew what I meant; there was only one story that I asked him to tell me. 

"Ooh that story, okay prepare yourself" he said. 

"Just get on with it old man" I giggled. 

"Ha-ha old man my arse, you wanna hear the story or what?"

 "Yes-sss daddy I doo please tell me the story" I said in my baby voice. 

"Okay here we go" he began. 

"Well I was about 18 and I had just graduated from high school. By then I still weren't sure on what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be. 

I got all the qualifications that I need but I didn't know where they would take me. 

I used to sing in the shower and my room and annoy everyone in the house because I sang non-stop. 

I had this book filled up with lyrics that I had made up and songs that were half done. On top of that I had tones of sheet music that went with the songs I wrote. 

I would practice the songs I wrote and would sing them to guitar. I used to perform my songs to my grandma when ever she came round, she was the only one who believed I had potential and she believed that the songs I wrote were really good. 

Anyway one day she told me that I should go and do an open-mic night down at one of the local's bars. 

I said no at first, but then she managed to talk me into it and she kinda forced me a little but hey she did what she thought was best. I ended up going to the open-mic night at a bar called moviestar. 

Soon as I got on that stage and began to playing my songs, I forgot all about my fears and what people thought. I was proud because I was singing, doing what I did best. 

Everyone cheered me on as I sang my own songs. And because I was an excellent guitarist I was able to improvise on the music that I didn't complete. 

When I finished the first song, I had a standing ovation. It boosted my confidence level way up and I wasn't afraid to sing in front of anyone.

After I got of stage I have people throwing themselves at me handing me there cards and phone numbers. 

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